The second little pig was unlucky.He built his house from sticks.It was blown
In 2015 world leaders meeting in Paris agreed to move towards zero net greenhouse- gas emissions in the second half of this century.That is a tall order, and the building industry makes it even taller.Cement-making alone produces 6% of the world's carbon emissions.Steel, half of which goes into buildings, accounts for another 8%.If you factor in all of the energy that goes into lighting, heating and cooling homes and offices, the world's buildings start to look like a giant environmental problem.
Governments in the rich world are now trying to promote greener behaviour by obliging developers to build new projects to “zero carbon standards.From January 1st 2019 all new public-sector buildings in the European Union must be built to “nearly zero-energy” standards.All other types of buildings will follow in January 2021.Governments in eight further countries are being lobbied to introduce a similar policy.
These standards are less green than they seem.Wind turbines and solar panels on top of buildings look good but are much less productive than wind and solar farms.And the standards only count the emissions from running a building, not those belched out when it was made.Those are thought to account for between 30% and 60% of the total over a structure's lifetime.
Buildings can become greener.They can use more recycled steel and can be prefabricated in off-site factories, greatly reducing lorry journeys.But no other building material has environmental credentials as exciting and overlooked as wood.
The energy required to produce a laminated wooden beam is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparable strength.As trees take carbon out of the atmosphere when growing, wooden buildings contribute to negative emissions by storing the stuff.When a mature tree is cut down, a new one can be planted to replace it,capturing more carbon.After buildings are demolished, old beams and panels are easy to recycle into new structures.And for retrofitting older buildings to be more energy efficient,wood is a good insulator.A softwood window frame provides nearly 400 times as much insulation as a plain steel one of the same thickness and over a thousand times as much as an aluminum equivalent.
A race is on to build the worlds tallest fully wooden skyscraper.But such edifices are still uncommon.Industry fragmentation,vicious competition for contracts and low profit margins mean that most building firms have little money to invest in greener construction methods beyond what regulation dictates.
Governments can help nudge the industry to use more wood, particularly in the public sector the construction industry's biggest client.That would help wood-building specialists achieve greater scale and lower costs.Zero-carbon building regulations should be altered to take account of the emissions that are embodied in materials.This would favour wood as well as innovative ways of producing other materials.
Construction codes could be tweaked to make building with wood easier.Here the direction of travel is wrong.Britain, for instance, is banning the use of timber on the outside of tall buildings after 72 people died in a tower fire in London in 2017.That is a nonsense.Grenfell Tower was covered in aluminum and plastic, not wood.Modem cross-laminated timber panels perform better in fire tests than steel ones do.
Carpentry alone will not bring the environmental cost of the worlds buildings into line.But using wood can do much more than is appreciated.The second little pig was not wrong, just before his time.
单选题第1题What does the word “flack” underlined in Paragraph 1 mean?
单选题第2题The phrase “tall order” underlined in Paragraph 2 is used to______.
A.indicate that the aim of the agreement is hard to achieve that the order of cement in building industry is large
C.predict the order of steel will be difficult to fulfill
D.present the bright fixture of building industry
答案解析:推断题。根据第2段的内容,结合上下文可知建筑业的排碳量极高,要在本 世纪下半段实现温室气体零排放的目标十分困难,故选A。
单选题第3题The buildings in the world turn to be a big environmental problem due to the energy that goes into the following systems EXCEPT______. in the houses
B.air-conditioning in the offices
C.heating at homes
D.plumping of buildings
答案解析:细节题。由第2段第5句可知,使世界上的建筑成为巨大的环境问题的原因 很多,包括用于家庭和办公室照明、暖气和制冷上的能源,不包括管道系统,故 选D。
单选题第4题What does the word “Those” underlined in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Wind turbines and solar panels.
B.Emissions during the construction of a building.
C.The standards of emissions.
D.Emissions after a building being put into use.
答案解析:细节题。根据上下语义,可知下画线的Those是指前文的those belched out when it was made,故选B。
单选题第5题What can we learn from Paragraph 6?
A.Using wood to construct buildings has many advantages.
B.Cutting down trees might be helpful to environmental protection.
C.Wood is better than steel in every aspect.
D.Wooden buildings can capture carbon from the air.
答案解析:推断题。从第6段可知木梁比钢材好。木制建筑可储存木材在生长过程中吸 收的碳,加速森林的新陈代谢,木质建筑材料拆除后可再利用,木头绝缘、隔热 等,这些均是使用木质建材的好处,故选A。
单选题第6题Paragraph 7 attempts to______.
A.diminish the prospect of building wooden houses
B.explain the obstacles for building companies to use wood more
C.emphasize the vicious competition in building industry
D.predict the gloomy future of greener investment
答案解析:推断题。第7段解释了建筑行业现状中,阻碍大多数建筑公司投资更环保建 筑方法的因素,故选B。
单选题第7题The main idea of Paragraph 8 is______.
A.wood-building experts can lower the costs
B.building materials can be innovative
C.public facilities are important clients of construction industry
D.some measures can be taken to encourage the use of wood in building industry
单选题第8题The author's attitude towards banning the use of timber after the tower fire in London is______.
答案解析:态度题。第9段第4句That is a nonsense,表明了作者的态度,故选B。
单选题第9题What’s the meaning of the last sentence in Paragraph 10?
A.The second little pig was wrong at his time.
B.There is no right or wrong for the pig to build his house from wood.
C.The pig's choice of using wood to build his house is out of time.
D.Ifs very advanced for the pig to make his house from sticks.
单选题第10题Which of the following can be the title of this passage ?
A.Buildings Produce Carbon Emissions
B.Zero Carbon Standards
C.Using More Wood Would Be Greener
D.Carbon Emission Reduction
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