NULL The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, on Aug. 31, 1997, shook Britain and the world-考试网


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The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, on Aug. 31, 1997, shook Britain and the world

来源:焚题库 [2022-06-28] 【





    共享题干题The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, on Aug. 31, 1997, shook Britain and the world.The New York Times asked journalists who covered Diana and the deadly car accident, which also killed her companion, Dodi Al-Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul, to share their memo and reflections.
     Diana was considered disloyal and unhinged, an unguided missile, when she went on the BBC in 1995 to talk of her emotional distress. (“There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”) In a sign of how much things have changed, William and Harry are marking the anniversary by speaking publicly about her, with royal approval.
     Her death also marked a turning point in the history of Britons’ relationship to their own ids, ushering in an era in which people have new license to express themselves and feelings can weigh more heavily than reason, Mr. Freedland said.
     “The reaction to her death is a preview of the Brexit landscape, in which emotion trumps expertise,” he said.“It was a shock to people  we didn’t think it was part of the British mind-set  and now, after Brexit, you can see there was something growing there, a willingness to give two fingers to the experts.”(Instead of using their middle fingers, Britons use what is known as a two-fingered salute.)
     Public opinion polls suggest nobody is particularly fond of Prince Charles, who at 68 is still waiting for his chance to become king. But they also show that the royal family, led by the seemingly indestructible 91-year-old queen, endures as a comforting unifying thread, providing a constitutional underpinning for a nation whose quirks include the fact that it has no written constitution.
     “The royal family is key to our constitution,”, Geordie Greig, editor of The Mail on Sunday, which publishes its share of royal-related articles, said in an email. “It provides a permanent and historical foundation going back more than 1,000 years.”
     The pomp and circumstance of its spectacles  the weddings of Charles and Diana and of William and Kate; the funeral of Diana  unify the country “with a familial heartbeat that also resonates around the world,” he added.
     At the very least, the royal family provides a gossipy distraction for a nation fretting about where it belongs and where it is going in this fraught era of Brexit. When is Harry going to propose to his girlfriend, Meghan Markle, and does it matter that she is Canadian,describes herself as mix race and is an actress? How disappointing is it that, at 35, William has already lost much of his hair? How expensive was Kate’s sister’s very big, very fancy engagement ring?
     Not everyone loves the royal family. Clearly anyone who visits Diana’s memorial fountain in Kensington Gardens is part of a self-selecting group, hardly a representative sample of public opinion. But a recent stop there showed how Diana, even after all this time, remains part of the conversation.
     “I feel bad for Diana, the way they treated her” said Kristina Landgraf, a German tourist. “She was a good person, she was kicked out of the royal family, and tried to have a personal life.”
     Visitors to Buckingham Palace said that the royal family held a fascination, even for those who are not really a royal family sort of person.

    单选题第1题Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Paragraph 1?()。

    A.Britain and the world were shaken by the death of Diana, Prince of Wales in 1997.

    B.The deadly car accident killed Diana, Diana’s companion and her driver.

    C.The New York Times reported the news about Diana and the deadly car accident.

    D.Henri Paul has shared their memo and reflections to the journalists.


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    答案解析:第1段第一句话的意思是:1997年8月31日,威尔士王妃戴安娜的去世震动了英国和全世界。第二句The New York asked journalists who covered Diana and the deadly car accident, which also killed her companion, Dodi al-fayed, and their driver,Henri Paul,to share their memo and reflections”是个长句,其主干结构为“The New York Times asked journalists to share their memo and reflections”;who引导的定语从句修饰journalists,后面which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰car accident。这句话译为:《纽约时报》要求报道戴安娜和这场致命的车祸的记者公开他们的备忘录和影像资料;在这场车祸中死亡的还有她的同伴Dodi Al-Fayed和他们的司机Henri Paul。由此可以判断,A、B、C项均为原文提到的内容,而D项错误,Henri Paul是戴安娜的司机,也是此次车祸的受害人,并非公开备忘录和影像资料的人。答案为D。


    单选题第2题The word “unhinged” underlined in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.






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    单选题第3题Why did Diana’s death mark a turning point in the history of Britons’ relationship to their own ids?()。

    A.Because Diana’s death marked that William and Harry could speak publicly about their mother under royal approval.

    B.Because Diana’s death has changed the history of Britons’ relationship to their own ids.

    C.Because Diana’s death ushered in an era, in which people have new right to express themselves and feelings are more important than reason.

    D.Because the death of Diana gives Britain and the whole world a big surprise.


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    单选题第4题What does “something growing there” refer to in Paragraph 4?()。

    A.A preview of the Brexit landscape.

    B.Part of the British mind-set.

    C.Willingness to show respect to the experts by two-fingered salute.

    D.Willingness to show contempt to the experts by two-fingered salute.


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    答案解析:此题可定位至第4段。第4段大意为:人们对她死亡的反应是英国退欧事件的预演,在退欧事件中情感胜过理性;这一点使人们深受震撼我们认为它不是英国思维模式的一部分现在英国脱欧之后,你可以看到有一些情绪在滋长,人们乐意给专家两个手指表示不屑(不是用中指,而是用英国人熟知的V形手势)。A项表示“英国退欧事件的预演”,B项表示“英国思维模式的一部分”,C项指“用V形手势向专家表示敬意”,均与文中意思不符。D项表示“用V形手势向专家表示不屑”,与文中意思吻合。文中“a willingness to give two fingers to the experts”是对上文“something”的进一步解释。因此答案为D。


    单选题第5题The word “quirks” underlined in Paragraph 5 refers to______.

    A.delicate things

    B.peculiar facts

    C.fascinated point

    D.particular aspect


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    答案解析:第5段最后一句的意思为:由91岁女王领导的王室,看似坚不可摧,作为令人安慰的国家统一战线,为国家提供了宪法基础,但奇怪的是英国并没有成文宪法。quirk的意思为something strange。因此B为正确选项。


    单选题第6题What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 6?()。

    A.The royal family.

    B.The Mail on Sunday,

    C.A royal-related article.

    D.An email.


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    答案解析:第6段的意思为:《周日邮报》发表了一些与王室有关的文章,其编辑Geordie Greig在一封电子邮件中说“皇室对制定宪法至关重要,其久远的历史可以追溯到1000多年前”。这一段中第一句话的主语为The royal family,后面介绍了 Geordie Greig是《周日邮报》的编辑,后面which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰The Mail on Sunday 第二句中用it照应前面的The royal family。因此A为正确答案。

    单选题第7题What is Britain inherently concerned about in Paragraph 8?()。

    A.Britain worries about where it belongs and where it is going in the era of Brexit.

    B.Britain worries about when Harry is going to propose to his girlfriend.

    C.Britain worries about whether Meghan Markle is Canadian.

    D.Britain worries about how expensive Kate’s sister’s engagement ring is.


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    答案解析:第8段的意思为:在脱欧这样的危急时刻,英国正在为其何去何从而忧心忡忡,但至少王室提供了一些八卦转移了人们的注意力,比如Harry什么时候会向他的女朋友Meghan Markle求婚;她是加拿大人,她说自己是混合种族,而且是个演员,这些是否重要;威廉35岁时就掉了很多头发,这一点多令人失望啊;凯特的姐姐非常喜欢的超大订婚戒指到底有多贵。由此可推断,英国人真正担忧的是其何去何从,选项中B、C、D项均为人们对王室八卦的关注,它们只是转移了人们的注意力。因此答案为A。


    单选题第8题Which of the following statements is TRUE about the royal family?()。

    A.People are particularly fond of Prince Charles.

    B.The weddings and funeral of the royal family are the concern of the world.

    C.The royal family is loved by all British people.

    D.Visitors to Diana9s memorial fountain are representative samples of public opinion.


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    单选题第9题How did Kristina Landgraf, a German tourist, feel about Diana?()。

    A.She feels Diana is bad.

    B.She feels sad about the way the royal family treated Diana.

    C.She feels Diana is disloyal, so she was kicked out of the royal family.

    D.She feels fascinated by Diana.


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    答案解析:从第10段可知,她认为Diana was a good person, A项错误;Kristina Landgraf并未提及Diana被赶出王室的原因,C项错误;D项文中未提及,排除;第10段第一句话提到,我为王室对待戴安娜的方式感到难过,B项正确。


    单选题第10题What is the author’ purpose of writing this passage?()。

    A.To reveal the cause of Diana’s death.

    B.To tell people the public’s opinion on Diana.

    C.To describe Diana’s life in the royal family.

    D.To talk about the effect of the death of Diana on Britain.


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