1. 在中国,英语明显比中文更受重视
2. 人们对这一失衡现象各持己见
3. 我的观点是……
On More Attention Be Paid to English than Chinese
In China, English has clearly gained much more attention than Chinese, which is rare in other countries in the world. Anything with connection, even a remote one, to English is bound to flourish, such as bilingual summer camp.
This phenomenon has been in the spotlight for some time. Some people argue that the unbalanced situation will put China’s traditional culture in danger since language is the medium of culture. However, according to a different view, more emphasis put on English is not necessarily a bad sign. To those who hold this view, English is exactly what we need to know and learn from western countries, which is crucial to China’s rise.
From my mind’s view, recognizing the importance of English should not hinder us from pursuing more understanding of our own language and culture. Therefore, we should devote as much time and energy to Chinese as to English.
(译文) 关于英语比中文更受重视
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