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来源:华课网校   2020-04-06【


  「范文」跳槽 Job-hopping

  “You quit again? What's your new job?”Job-hopping has become a hot topic among people, especially the young, and has caused many heated debates.

  Many people like to do one job in their lifetime. In their opinion, people who change their job frequently are superficial. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job. Constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.

  But there are many people who don't agree. They argue that change makes progress.

  If you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one, Every change is a step toward further success.

  For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity, but once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, you should settle down and put your whole heart into it. Only in this way can you get the true joy of achieving your goals.

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