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来源:华课网校   2020-03-18【

  【题目5】根据提示,请以“School Rules”为题,写一篇短文或对话提示:每所学校都有规章制度,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你向一位新生Mary作一下介绍。内容包括:

  1. 上课不能迟到。

  2. 教室要保持(keep)干净和安静。

  3. 见到老师要问好。(greet)

  4. 不允许在教室里吃东西。

  5. 不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。

  6. 不要损害花草树木。(pick flowers; climb trees)


School Rules

  Welcome to our school, Mary. Here are some of our school rules. Let me tell you: We can't arrive late for class. We can't talk loudly in class. We have to be quiet in class, and we have to keep our class clean. When we meet the teachers on the way, we must greet them. We can't eat or drink in the classroom. But we can eat outside. We can't listen to music or play games in class, either. We can't pick flowers or climb trees.




  Receiver:Li Zhiyuan@163.com


  Subject:How to protect the clean water?

Dear Li Zhiyuan,

  I feel very excited about my visit to Fuzhou and meeting you for the first time!

  But I'm still not sure about the following questions:

  1.Are there any rivers or lakes in your city?

  2.Is the water dirty or clean? Why?

  3.Did you do anything useful to protect the clean water?

  Please let me know.

  Your friend,

  Wei Huanjing


Dear Wei Huanjing,

  I am very excited to receive your e-mail. I am interested in your questions.

  There are many rivers in our city. Ming Jiang River is one of the longest rivers. But the water in the river isn't as clean as before. This is because people cut the trees down a lot. As we know, trees can keep the water much cleaner. On March 12th, We often plant some trees on the hills. More and more trees are growing. I think the water is becoming cleaner and cleaner.

  Looking forward to meeting you soon.


  Li Zhiyuan





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