学科 动物
题型 填空 10
内容概述 一种濒危动物的研究,新西兰的鸟
填空题 10
31. Nest has been built on the coastline or next to rivers
32. This bird had only 3 pairs survived in a investigation in 1984.(1984 年的调查发现这种
鸟只剩 3 pairs)
33. It’s very difficult to estimate the population of birds.(很难去正确估计鸟的数量)
34. 导致数量减少的人为原因 home 和 farming on the coast.
35. eggs have been eaten by snakes, mouse and tortoise. (鸟蛋被蛇、老鼠、乌龟吃了)
36. 导致数量减少的自然原因:destroyed by storm
37.怎样保护 guard
38. Build a fence
39. Catch the wild
40. 靠什么方法来宣传保护:Protection campaign advertised by media