Section One
场次 20150212 20130829 20101127 2007
场景 其他
题型 填空 10
内容概述 注册驾照和保险
填空 10
1. town
3. softwares
4. distance
6. 14.40
7. soup
8. shop
9. free parking
10. Name :WHRRGHU
场次 20150618 20140118 2007
场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:40 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes do not
wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet
Section Two
场次 20130921
场景 其他
题型 地图 5,填空 5
内容概述 home improvement plan,商场
地图 5
11. Paint Section ----bottom left
12. Kitchen Section ----middle
13. Children’s play area ----between the Cafe and the Paint Section
14. Bathroom Section ----between the Cafe and the Tool Section
15. Garden Section ----between the Tool Section and Staff
填空 5
16. The attraction of Home Improvement store is(公司的优势): the low prices
17. What are the benefits of working at Home Improvement Store? (员工
最喜欢的): flexible working hours
18. The staff must promote to the customers by giving them (必须给顾 客) magazine
19. What the company will offer if customers buy a new kitchen: free installation; free
appliances; free delivery
场次 20121208
场景 旅游介绍
题型 地图 5,配对 5
内容概述 关于美国的旅游景点,不同的小镇不一样的娱乐设施
地图 5
11. entrance 在左下角
12. 中间是 main road, school 在 main street 最上面 3 个房子的中间那个
13. craft shop 在 main street 最下面右边
14. funnel cake factory 在最右边中间
15. 还有个 museum
配对 5
选项有:helicopter ride; balloon ride; train ride; cake factory; Native American Museum;
modern museum;
景点有:grenvilla 等
Section Three
场次 20150430 20101204
题型 单选 6+多选 4
内容概述 关于黑猩猩的研究
单选 6:
21. 什么时候好观察它: 选 B. 他们找食物的时候
22. 它从哪里学来的本领:选 C. 从人类那边学到的
23. 选将果子敲在石头上(为了获取果实)选 B.
24. 为什么它站在叶子下面(用叶子档雨)选 C.
25. 猩猩招手是为了显示他的优势选 C.
26. 感觉老师的那个记忆实验怎么样,选的是 A. interesting
多选 4:
27. adults relationship & feeding
28. binoculars & fruit
29. video camera
30. measuring equipment
场次 20130615 20111126 20090813
题型 填空 4+多选 3+单选 3
内容概述 是教授和学生讨论某节课的内容,学生 Sarah 说她没上,于是教授就开始问一堆问题 第一部分是填写表格,前几题是物品的作用
填空 4:
21. preserve memories 例如照片之类
22. show off status 例如计算机手机之类
23. reflect tastes 例如艺术品
24. personal identity
多选 3:
25. 然后 sarah 问做 interview 的人要求有什么,我记得是选
单选 3:
1.sarah 比较担心的事 interview 的时间,教授要求 15 分钟,她担心太长,教授就安慰说学生很能讲的
2.essay 必须最先讲什么,教授先说要解释 interview 的问题,然后分析,最后说在这两个之前要先说明为什 么选那些人来做 interview,按就近原则的话应该选 the reason why choose
these interviewers
3.四月底要完成什么,这题昕得不是太清楚,似乎是教授说了几个要做的事情,最后提到 4 月底前起码要完 成 interview 的分析
Section Four
场次 20150704 20130824
学科 植物
题型 填空 10
内容概述 藏红花
31. number of saffron 50 grams made: 14000
32. method of preservation: by drying
33. to sell it as powder
Modern usage
34. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used in cooking in many cuisines)Medical applications
35. to treat disorders of eyes
36. in a rats experiment, to avoid light damage (early studies show that saffron may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stress apart) Domestic applications in Ancient countries