cry wolf虚发警报;慌报险情;危言耸听
cry wolf来自《伊索寓言》:《牧童和狼》 (The Shepherdboy and the wolf)
有个牧童在离村子不远的山坡上放羊,有一次,他为了开心作乐,突然大喊:“Help!Help!The wolf!”全村的人都闻声跑来援助他时,才知道这只是开玩笑。如此恶作剧搞了两三次。后来,狼真的来了,那个牧童再呼号求救时,谁也不理会他了。于是,狼把他的羊吃了。
这篇寓言的意义很清楚:爱说谎话的人,即或在他说真话时,也没人相信他。由此,人们用to cry wolf 来概括这篇寓言的基本情节及其教诫意义,用以比喻to give false alarms;to warn of danger where there is none之意。按其比喻意义,这个成语相当与汉语中出自《东周列国志》的典故:烽火戏诸侯。周幽王为博得宠妃褒泥一笑,竟然把军国大事当儿戏,烽火报警戏诸侯,使各路诸侯仓促发兵,驰援京师,结果收到嘲笑。后来犬戎进犯,幽王再举烽火调兵,谁也不来了,结果周幽王遭到杀身亡国之祸。这2个典故的情节虽不同,寓意却完全不一致,都是表示“一朝说假话,一世无人信”
eg:Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.
Is she really sick of is she just crying wolf?
The newspaper placards that had cried "wolf" so often,cried "wolf" now in vain.
Task description
You will be provided with two lists. In most cases, one list contains a small number of causes and the other list contains a larger number of effects. The task is to find the effect which arose from (matches) each cause. To complete this task well you will need to understand clearly what the words cause and effect mean.
What is being tested is your ability to:
understand cause and effect relationships
understand gist and paraphrase
skim for information
How to approach questions which ask you to match causes and effects
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully.
Step 2: Look at the table and decide which list you should work from. In most cases it would be most efficient to work from the shorter list (usually the causes).
Step 3: Read the first cause.
Step 4: Briefly familiarise yourself with the effects list. Which effects seem possible at this stage?
Step 5: Skim the reading text to find the section which discusses the first cause.
Step 6: Read that section of the reading text carefully to find the effect.
Step 7: When you have found the effect in the reading passage, refer back to the effects list and aa the one which best paraphrases the information in the reading text. If none of the effects listed seem to match, then keep reading the text, as it is not unusual for causes to have more than one effect.