Describe a person who likes to travel by plane
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
Where this person travels to
and explain why this person likes to travel by plane.
在这里描述一个人的时候,我们可以涉及到几个方面,“personality”性格 “appearance” 长相 “occupation” 职业,很明显,如果我们在这里将自己的朋友设计为一名必须要经常出差的人会降低表达难度。如:一个需要出差招聘的老师,一个商务人士 business man,一个设计师 designer都是非常好的选择。
第二点,我们看到这里的四个问题,很简单可以将前面三个问题放在一起去描述,最后一个问题单独描述。“他是谁”的问题,可以将“朋友”类所有的话题融合进来形容,He is one of my colleagues, 或者he is my classmate in high school,都是非常简单的表达,也顺便解决了第二个问题“你怎么认识他的”。在这里如果是高端学生,可以将“一次和陌生人谈话的经历”融合进来,将他的身份设定为一名陌生人,但是不要在这个问题的叙述上停留过多时间,因为这个问题并不能突出他的特点。
第三个问题,“他经常去哪里”这个问题可以将“我想去的城市/ 国家”联系在一起,叙述一个自己想去的国家。最后一个问题最难回答,也是最重要的,“为什么这个人喜欢坐飞机呢?” 这里可以突出他的性格特点,如注重效率 focus on efficiency 或者 性格外向 喜欢有意想不到事情发生:unexpected things 都是可以选择的内容。
traffic jam 交通堵塞
take off 起飞
landing 着陆
check-in 登记
在形容人性格的时候 可以用creativity创造力 fashionable 时尚的 experienced 有经历的
I would like to say something about my teacher whose name is Simon. He is responsible for recruiting international students for my university, which is why he has to fly a lot to foreign countries to promote my university and give interviews. The places that he visits frequently are England and Canada because students from these two countries are particularly interested in learning Chinese in China. I think he enjoys the travel because he once told me that sometimes some unexpected but wonderful things would happen during the flight. For example, there was a time when he had to travel to Leeds, a city in England. In the airport he lost his wallet. He was desperate to search for it but the boarding time was quite limited. Surprisingly, he finally found his wallet as a cleaner found the wallet under the chair where he sat. He told me that he was quite grateful at that moment.