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中华考试网  2015-09-18  【


  1.My first ________(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.

  答案:impression 考查名词。句意:我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良且有思想的年轻人。

  2.He heard someone following him, and glanced round. He caught sight ________ a dark figure in the shadows.

  答案:of 句意:他听到有人在跟踪他,便向周围扫了一眼,发现阴暗处有一个黑影。catch sight of看见;瞥见,符合句意。

  3.The equipment for disabled people should be ________ easy reach in public places.

  答案:within 考查介词短语。句意:在公共场所,残疾人使用的设施应该方便残疾人。由句意可知,填within,within easy reach在附近(距离不远)。

  4.Scientists have found evidence ________ global warming caused the world's first horses to become smaller nearly 50 million years ago.

  答案:that 考查同位语从句。句意:科学家们已经找到证据,证明大约5000万年前,全球变暖使世界上首批马的个头变小了。根据句意可知,空后说的是evidence的内容,并且句中不缺少成分,所以用that引导同位语从句。

  5.—When did you get home last night?

  —It was almost midnight ________ we arrived home.

  答案:when 考查状语从句。句意:——你们昨晚什么时候到家的?——我们到家的时候差不多是午夜了。答语中“It was almost midnight”为主句,空处引导时间状语从句,应用连词when。此题容易误填that,误把答语当作强调句型。如果是强调句型,应是:It was at midnight that we arrived home。

  6.—Have you finished the report?

  —Oh, sorry. It was so noisy in the office that I couldn't settle ________ to write anything.

  答案:down 答语句意:哦,抱歉。办公室里太吵了以至于我都静不下心来写东西。settle down意为“平静下来;专心于”。

  7.At the meeting,all the people were deeply impressed ________ her brilliant report.

  答案:with 句意:会议上,所有人都对他精彩的报告留下了深刻的印象。impress sb. with.../sb. be impressed with...以……给某人留下深刻印象。

  8.Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings ________ than harm them.

  答案:rather 句意:绝大多数人同意核科技发展应该造福人类而非危害人类。rather than表示“而不是;而非”之意。

  9.—Our journey cost a lot of money.

  —Really? Well,that doesn't matter ________ long as you enjoyed yourselves.

  答案:so/as 句意:——我们的旅行花了很多钱。——真的吗?不过,没关系只要你们玩得愉快。as/so long as“只要”。

  10.(2014·山东改编)A company ________ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

  答案:whose 句意:一家在国内市场利润下降的公司可能会去国外谋求机会。分析题意和句子结构可知,主句中a company是主语,may seek是谓语,opportunities是宾语,而所填词要引导一个定语从句,该从句中profits是主语,are是系动词,declining是表语,profits前缺少定语,而且profits与先行词构成所属关系,故用whose引导定语从句,同时whose在从句中作profits的定语,符合题意和结构要求。
