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中华考试网  2018-04-06  【


  [1] That’s the best way we should think of _______the dying soldier.

  [译文] 这就是我们能想出来的最好的办法来救那临死的士兵。

  A. helping   B. saving

  C. operating   D. to save

  [答案] D。 we should think of作the best way的定语,其后接不定式to save作目的状语。

  [2] ----You can’t finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose? -----________.

  [译文] --我想,你不可能在不到一个小时之内的时间里看完这本书。--不。我肯定能看完它。

  A. Yes, I’m sure I can   B. No, hardly

  C. Sorry, I can’t   D. I don’t think I can

  [答案] A。 问句为否定疑问句,回答该用Yes或No开头,B项结构不完整,其完整形式应该是:No,I can hardly finish it.

  [3] Only when class began _______that he had left his book at home.

  [译文] 只有当上课开始,他才意识到他已离开了书本回到了家里。

  A. will he realize   B. he did realize

  C. did he realize   D. should he realize

  [答案] C。 "only+状语"放于句首,应构成倒装句,主语前要加助动词。

  [4] The black colour of your shoes doesn’t_______ the white colour of your suit.

  [译文] 你鞋子的黑色与你白色的衣服不相配。

  A. fit   B. agree

  C. match   D. suitable

  [答案] C。 fit me well某物很合身(尺寸

  [5] They said good-bye, little knowing that they_______ again.

  [译文] 他们告别了,不知道他们再也见不着面了。

  A. were never met   B. will never meet

  C. never met    D. were never to meet

  [答案] D。 大小),agree with sb.食品,气候适合某人,match sb./sth.与相配,be suitable与……适合。

  [6] It’s impossible for all the people to get jobs because _______of them are not fit for them.

  [译文] 不可能所有的人都能得到工作,因为并非所有的人都适合这些工作。

  A. none   B. all

  C. not all   D. every one

  [答案] B。 not与all连用,表示部分否定,表示"并非所有的……都……",D项中every one与not连用也可表示部分否定,但谓语动词要用单数,故不对。

  [7] The students in this college are all taking courses _______a degree.

  [译文] 这所大学的学生都在学习达到学位的课程。

  A. devoting to   B. turning to

  C. leading to   D. sticking to

  [答案] C。 lead to意为"导致

  [8] -----When will you leave for Paris for a visit? -----_______next month.

  [译文] --什么时候你出发到巴黎参观访问?  --下下个月。

  A. Until   B. After

  C. At   D. In

  [答案] B。 导向",在此表示"达到学位的课程"。

  [9] _______he is, he seldom shows his precious coins to others.

  [译文] 尽管他是一个硬币收藏者,他很少把它的珍稀硬币给人家看。

  A. Coin-collector as   B. As a coin-collector

  C. A coin-collector as   D. Coin-collector that

  [答案] A。 next month是时间点,不是时间段,"after+时间点"可用于将来时,表示某一特定时间之后。此处如果不用介词,则表示"下个月";用了after,则表示"下个月以后"。until在肯定句中要与持续动词连用。

  [10] The film is very interesting. _______students have seen it.

  [译文] 这部电影很有趣。许多学生都看了。

  A. A plenty of   B. Many of

  C. A great many   D. Two hundreds

  [答案] C。 coin-collector硬币收集者。以as引导的让步状语从句应用倒装句,名词放于句首时,前不加冠词a。

  [11] They _______ when they heard him confess his fault.

  [译文] 他们惊讶地听到他承认他的过错。

  A. had been surprising   B. were surprising

  C. were surprised   D. had been surprised

  [答案] C。 时间状语是过去时态,主句也应用过去时态,从句中heard是一般过去时态。

  [12] Our hometown is quite different from _______before.

  [译文] 我们的家乡与过去是大不相同了。

  A. that is was   B. what it was

  C. which it was   D. when it was

  [答案] B。 what引导的从句作介词的宾语,并在从句中兼作表语,而that,which,when则不能。

  [13] If you get_______ in a foreign city, you’d better stay where you are and wait for your friends

  [译文] 如果你在国外的城市里迷路了,你最好呆在原地等待你的朋友来帮助你。

  A. lose   B. to lose

  C. losing   D. lost

  [答案] D。 get lost迷路。get+及物动词的过去分词形式也可构成被动语态。在get+done所在的句式中不用by引出谓语动词在逻辑上的主语。

  [14] Kunar can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he_____ me how.

  [译文] Kunar 能够把他的车拆开后又组装好。我真希望他能教我。

  A. teaches   B. will teach

  C. has taught   D. would teach

  [答案] D。 wish that+宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟语气来表示。如是将来时态的动作应用would do sth.或could do sth.。

  [15] It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______ he or she wants.

  [译文] 一般认为给孩子他或者她想要的任何东西是不明智的。

  A. however   B. whatever

  C. whichever   D. whenever

  [答案] B。 whatever引导宾语从句,在从句中作wants的宾语,用whichever引导,则表示"任何哪个",与题意不符,A

  [16] Mr.Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had _______was nowhere to be seen.

  [译文] Mr.Smith很惊讶的发现他修好了的手表不见了。

  A. it   B. it repaired

  C. repaired   D. to be repaired

  [答案] C。 此处的had had为过去完成时,是was surprised之前发生的动作。he had had repaired是一个省略了which的定语从句(其先行词为watch),作had had的宾语,repaired为宾补。

  [17] I ______, but I was prevent by the heavy rain.

  [译文] 我原打算来,但是大雨阻止了我。

  A. had meant coming   B. had meant to come

  C. meant to come   D. meant coming

  [答案] B。 plan, mean等词一般可以用过去完成时态表示"原打算做…",后面的不定式用一般时态。

  [18] He entered the room, ______ coat covered with snow.

  [译文] 他走进房间,衣服上带着雪。

  A. whose   B. his

  C. its   D. it’s

  [答案] B。 独立主格结构。此句是名词+过去分词,表示伴随。

  [19] I’ll never forget the holiday ______ we spent together.

  [译文] 我将永远不会忘记我们在一起呆的日子。

  A. When   B. how

  C. in which   D. that

  [答案] D。 定语从句。The holiday在从句中充当spent的宾语。

  [20] The suit _____ over60 dollars.

  [译文] 这衣服花了六十多美元。

  A. had costed   B. costed

  C. is costed    D. cost

  [答案] D cost的过去式及过去分词应该是和原形一致
