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来源:考试网  [ 2017年8月18日 ]  【


  16. according to passage,some job applicants were rejected

  A. because of their carelessness as shown in their failure to present a clean copy of a resume.


  17. the word"perfectionists"(line 1,para.3) refers to those who

  C. pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives.


  18. which of the following is the author's advice to the reader? 以下是作者对读者的建议

  A. althouge tooo much attention to details may be costly,they should not be overlooked. 虽然太多的细节可能是昂贵的,他们不应该被忽视

  19. the example of the apollo II moon launch is given to illustrate that

  D. keeping one's goal in mind helps in deciding which details can be overlooked.


  20. the best title for this passage would be

  C. details and major objectives.


  21. after the robbery, the stop installed an alarm system as an insurance against further losses. 在抢劫之后,停止安装了一个报警系统,以防止进一步的损失

  22. believing the earth to be flat, many feared that columbus would fall off the edge of the earth. 相信地球是平的,许多人担心哥伦布会掉到地球的边缘

  23. a healthy life is frequently thought to be associated with the open cuntryside and homegrown food. 一个健康的生活经常被认为与开放农村和自产的食物

  24. in britain today women make up 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. 在英国,今天的妇女占劳动力的44%,将近一半的母亲带着孩子在工作

  25. as might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed. 正如可以预期的那样,对问题的反应是非常复杂的

  26. features such as height, weight, and skin color vary from individual to individual and from face to face. 如身高、体重、皮肤颜色等特点因人而异,从面对面到面

  27. a well-written composition called for good choice of words and clear organization among other things. 一个写得很好的作文,在其他的事情中,有一个很好的选择,也有明确的组织

  28. the traditional approach to dealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems. 处理复杂问题的传统方法是把它们分解成更小、更容易管理的问题

  29. never before had a president refused to step down. 从来没有一个总统拒绝下台

  30. we were struck by the extent to which teachers' decisions served the interests of the school rather than those of the students. 我们被老师的决定所引起的学校的利益,而不是学生的程度

  31. there is not much time left; so i'll tell you about it at length. 没有太多的时间了,所以我会告诉你它的长度

  32. the ancient egyptians are supposed to have sent rockets to the moon. 古埃及人应该将火箭发射到月球上.

  33. all the students in this class passed the english exam with the exception of li ming. 这个班所有的学生都通过了英语考试,除了李明

  34. young adults rather than older people are more likely to prefer pop songs. 年轻人比老年人更倾向于喜欢流行歌曲

  35. were she to leave right now, she would get there on sunday. 她要离开了,她会在星期日到达那里

  36. it's already 5 o'clock now. don't you think it's about time we went home. 现在已经五点了。你不认为这是我们回家的时候

  37. new york ranked second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year. 纽约排名第二的苹果生产,今年生产850000000斤

  38. melted iron is poured into the mixer much in the same way as tea is poured into a cup from a teapot. 当茶从一个茶壶里倒进一个杯子里时,熔化的铁被倒进搅拌机中

  39. by success i don't mean what it is usually thought of when that word is used. 我不想说的是什么时候用这个词

  40. lightning is a rush of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another. 闪电是一种电流从一个云到地面或从一个云到另一个

  41. the medicine is on sale everywhere. you can get it at any chemist's. 这药到处都卖。你可以把它拿给任何一家药店

  42. every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to regardless of the color of his skin. 这个国家的每个人都有权生活在他想去的地方,而不管他的肤色如何

  43. housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full capacity. 不外出工作的家庭主妇们觉得他们不工作,以充分的能力

  44. the key to our room was attached to a large plastic plate with the room number on it. 我们的房间的钥匙被贴在一个大塑料板上,房间号上的

  45. the government is trying to do something to promote better understanding between the two countries. 政府正试图做些什么来增进两国之间的理解

  46. the newspaper did not mention the extent of the damage caused by the fire. 报纸没有提及火灾造成的损害程度

  47. the soldier was accused of running away when the enemy attacked. 士兵被指控在敌人进攻时逃跑了

  48. only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make-up tests. 只有在特殊情况下允许学生参加化妆考试

  49. it seems oil has been leaking from this pipe for some time. we'll have to take the machine apart put it right. 似乎有一段时间以来,这条管道一直在漏水。我们必须把机器拆开把它放在右边

  50. he made a considerable sum of money in real estate and then invested it in the stock market. 他在房地产上做了相当多的钱,然后在股票市场上投资

  51. the mere fact that most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur. 多数人认为核战争是疯狂的事实并不意味着它不会发生

  52. i don't think it advisable that tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience. 我不认为汤姆指派他做这项工作没有经验是明智的

  53. now that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better. 现在,我的头已经清除,我的大脑也开始工作更好

  54. the man in the corner confessed to having told a lie to the manager of the company. 角落里的那个人向公司经理撒了一个谎

  55. the car breaks down halfway for no reason. 汽车中途抛锚,没理由

  56. the newcomers found it impossible to adapt themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country. 新来的人发现自己不可能适应气候,在新的国家做永久的家园

  57. as a result of careless washing the jacket shrank to a child's size由于粗心的衣服,夹克缩小到一个孩子的尺寸

  58. he hoped the firm would transfer him to the paris branch. 他希望公司能把他转移到巴黎分公司

  59. the relationship between employers and employees has been studied intensively. 雇主和雇员之间的关系进行了深入研究

  60. she was complaining that the doctor was charging too much for the treatment he was giving her. 她在抱怨医生给她太多的治疗

  historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in america. it's the one about the teacher standing in the schoolroom door waving goodbye to students for the summer and calling after them, "by the way, we won world war II." 当他们描述美国历史教育时,历史学家往往会讲同样的笑话。这是一个关于老师站在教室的门口挥手告别夏季学生喊他们,“顺便说一句,我们赢得了第二次世界大战。

  the problem with the joke, of course, is that it's not funny. the recent surveys on historical illiteracy are beginning to numb:nearly one third of american 17-year-olds cannot even identify which countried the united states fought against in that war. one third have no idea when the declaration of independence was signed. 这个问题和笑话,当然是,这是不好笑。历史文盲的最近的调查已经开始麻木:近三分之一的美国17岁甚至不能确定哪些国家美国对抗的战争。三分之一独立宣言签署时不知道. one third thought columbus reached the new world after 1750. two thirds cannot correctly judge the civil war between 1850 and 1900. even when they get the answers right, some are just guessing. 三分之一认为哥伦布在1750。1850不能正确判断1900至三分之二之间的内战。即使他们得到的答案是正确的,有些只是猜测

  unlike math or science, ignorance of hisrory cannot be directly connected to loss of international community. but it does affect our future as a democratic nation and as individuals. 不同于数学或科学,历史的无知不能直接连接到国际社会损失。但它确实会影响我们的未来,作为一个民主国家,作为个人

  the good news is that there is growing agreement on what is wrong with the teaching of history and what needs to be done to fix it. the steps are tentative or yet to be felt in most classrooms. 好消息是,有越来越多的协议,在什么是错误的教学历史和需要做什么来解决它。在大多数课堂上,这些步骤都是暂时性的或是可感受的

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