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来源:考试网  [ 2015年5月6日 ]  【

The chief purpose of work is not to produce things but to build the man. It is not so important what shape or form our work may take;what is vitally important is our attitude toward that work.

Even if the particular duty is one which doesn't seem worth doing, if you must do it, it is important to do it right.Even if no one else will ever know whether you did it right or not, you will know. By making a commitment(承诺)to quality work, you make a commitment to yourself to develop your abilities and self-respect, to do the best you can do and be the best you can be. When you do as little as possible or just enough to get by, you are not merely cheating your employer, your customers, your clients, and your co-workers, but most importantly, you cheat yourself. You cheat yourself out of an opportunity to develop pride and self-worth.You cheat yourself out of an opportunity to meet a challenge and develop your own inner powers and abilities. You may be able to get away with cheating others, but you never get away with cheating yourself.

Then, the key is a commitment to yourself to use every possible opportunity for self-development and treat every work assignment, no matter how small or boring, as a challenge that can be used in your development.

Work is a projection of self.Consciousness can regard any job as a potential opportunity for self-expression,for play,for creativity, for the furtherance(推动)of social objectives,and it can arrange the factors in the job so that they form a means of self-expression.

Most jobs contain at least some limited options for creativity. To the extent that any job can be done in different ways, the job presents you with an opportunity to project your unique abilities and values into that job. Any type of communication, written or spoken, presents a significant opportunity for creative expression. Even if your efforts are reviewed and must be toned down to fit into the mold(模型)of your organization, there is always a slight opening through which you can project your unique personality. Use these opportunities to express and confirm your existence.

1.The most important thing about work is ______.

A. to produce things

B. the shape one's work takes

C. the amount of money it makes

D. one's attitude towards the work

Best Answer:D

详解:细节理解题 本题答题的根据在文章第一段,要注意“not... but...”所表达的意思。

2.If the work doesn't seem worth doing,you should ______.

A. give it up

B. tell others to do it

C. stop in the middle

D. perform it carefully

Best Answer:D

详解:细节理解题 本题的答题根据是文章第二段第一句,但要注意同一种意思的不同表达法,选项D) you should do it carefully就是文中的“it is important to do it right”。

3.What can work assignments offer people?

A. An opportunity to develop oneself.

B. A chance to get away with cheating themselves.

C. Few options for creativity.

D. A way to get rid of your unique personality.

Best Answer:A

详解:细节理解题 本题问布置的工作“work assignments”会给人们提供些什么。文章第二段从正反两方面论述了我们应当尽心尽力地做好工作,请注意反复出现的“opportunity to develop your abilities and self-respect,pride and self-worth,to meet a challenge and develop your own inner powers”等等;接着第三段又对之进行概括,由此不难看出正确答案应选A项。

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Sometimes you have to adjust yourself to your work.

B. There is space for you to show your creativity

C. Work must be done in one way in order to be the most efficient.

D. You may never cheat yourself.

Best Answer:C

详解:是非题 根据文章第二段可排除D项 而 A、B、C三项都与第五段倒数第二句话有关,“Even if your efforts are reviewed and must be toned down to fit into the mold of your organization,there is always a slight opening through which you can project your unique personality.”这句话的大意是,即便你所付出的努力要接受审查,必须做出调整,以便与你所在的组织的模式相一致,仍然总有一方小小的天地供你展露自己独特的个性。据此可排除A、B两项。

5. The main idea of the passage is ______.

A. how to improve your creativity

B. the importance of projecting your values into your job

C. when to express yourself

D. how to change one's personality

Best Answer:B

详解:主旨题 在做完上面四道题后不难选出本题答案为B项。

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