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来源:考试网  [ 2018年10月9日 ]  【



  从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最恰当的一个选项。

  1. Vickie had most probably ___C_ her for another sort of girl.

  A. regarded B. viewed C. mistaken D. looked

  2. The police investigation discovered that three young men were __B__ in the robbery.

  A. caught B. involved C. connected D. tightened

  3. Only guests of the hotel enjoy the __A__ of using the private beach.

  A. privilege B. possibility C. favor D. advantage

  4. He felt rather __D__ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the party.

  A. in place B. in the way C. by the way D. out of place

  5. The _B___ power of the people in this town has been decreasing because most young people have left for the big cities.

  A. shopping B. purchasing C. enduring D. spending

  6. I received a ___D_ parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sent it.

  A. sincere B. dull C. complicated D. mysterious

  7. The school bus was _A___ by a thick fog.

  A. held up B. broken off C. kept up D. put off

  8. How we __B__ a chance to visit your great country?

  A. looked for B. longed for C. waited for D. went for

  9. “We’ll do what we can to get the goods _C___ on time,” said the manager.

  A. reached B. delivered C. returned D. come

  10. It is the boy’s laziness that __C__ his failure in the exams.

  A. resulted from B. brought in C. resulted in D. led into

  11. We can depend on Bob to make a sound choice.

  A. correct B. sensitive C. noisy D. considered

  12. Excuse me for C you with such a small matter.

  A. questioning B. troubling C. interrupting D. keeping

  13. The manager flew into a rage when he heard that his secretary had disobeyed his instructions. A

  A. range B. disappointment C. penalty D. great anger

  14. Many people have the illusion that wealth is the chief source of happiness. A

  A. false idea B. imagination C. vision D. impression

  15. He tends to get ill-tempered when he is drunk. B

  A. has the habit of getting B. very often gets

  C. pretends to get D. is tempted to get

  16. I did not expect him to reveal his intentions. B

  A. tell B. indicate C. make known D. expose

  17. Some of the students in the class seem reluctant to help those who have difficulties in their studies. B

  A. willing B. unwilling C. reliable D. responsible

  18. Many youngsters find it harder to appreciate classical music than pop music. C

  A. listen to and understand B. enjoy and interpret

  C. understand and enjoy D. comprehend

  19. When we are especially interested in one aspect of a problem we often ignore the other aspects. B

  A. take no notice of B. miss C. attach no importance to D. fail to think of

  20. Then he was asked to give a specific example to illustrate the application of this new theory. B

  A. special B. detailed C. particular D. general

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