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来源:考试网  [ 2014年12月10日 ]  【

  He then said, “Come before me again tomorrow. I shall then know which of you is the thief because the stick given to the thief will be one inch longer than the others.”

  The thief was afraid of being found out, and so the cut an inch off his stick. The next day the thief’s stick was found to be one inch shorter than any of the others. In this way the thief was found out, and was at once taken away to prison.

  61. A bag of corn was found ________.

  A. to be stolen B. stolen C. being stolen D. having stolen

  62. The judge gave each man a stick _______.

  A. to change back the farmer’s corn B. to beat the thief

  C. as a tool to find out the thief D. so as to play a game together

  63. According to the judge, the next day the thief’s stick would be one inch longer than the others’ because _______.

  the thief’s stick would grow one inch longer

  the other’s sticks would become one inch shorter

  something wrong would happen to the thief’s stick

  the judge had given the longer stick to the thief

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