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来源:考试网  [ 2019年8月2日 ]  【

  16. We should look __A____ the matter before we reach a conclusion.

  A. into B. for

  C. to D. at

  17. Hospital doctors don’t go out very often as their work ___D____ all their time.

  A. takes away B. takes in

  C. takes over D. takes up

  18. He is ____A__ to speak the truth.

  A. too much of a coward

  B. too much a coward

  C. so much a coward

  D. so much of a coward

  19. It’s strange that you ____D__ like that at the meeting.

  A. should speak

  B. spoke

  C. should have spoken

  D. speak

  20. He ___A___ when the bus came to a sudden stop.

  A. was almost hurt

  B. was to hurt himself

  C. was hurt himself

  D. was hurting himself

  21. Mary likes _______ very much, but she didn’t go ____B___ last Sunday.

  A. to swim…swimming

  B. swimming…to swim

  C. to swim…to swim

  D. swimming…swimming

  22. More ___D___, less speed.

  A. hurry B. rush

  C. quickness D. haste

  23. ___A___ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.

  A. When compared

  B. Compare

  C. While comparing

  D. Comparing

  24. The fact ____C__ money orders can usually be easily cashed has made them a popular form of payment.

  A. of B. is that

  C. that D. which is

  25. He is working very hard to ___B___ the lost time in the past 10 years.

  A. make for B. make up for

  C. make up D. make out

  26. If a child is absent ___C___ school for long periods, he should be given extra work.

  A. at B. in

  C. from D. out of




  27. Neither of your proposals ____C____.

  A. make sense

  B. are practical

  C. makes sense

  D. make senses

  28. It is obvious that there are at least two vitamins. __B__ is soluble in fat; ___ is soluble in water.

  A. The one…the other

  B. One…the other

  C. One…another

  D. One…the another

  29. It’s a good ___B____ to eat with the mouth closed.

  A. custom B. habit

  C. way D. style

  30. You ought not to ___C____ him the news that day.

  A. tell B. be telling

  C. have told D. be told

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