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来源:考试网  [ 2019年7月3日 ]  【

  Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

  Directions:Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet I .

  a. Fine. Thank you. And you? b. What do you think?

  c. What will you do? d. What are you doing?

  e. I know you like playing the violin.

  f. What about you? g. I know you love football.

  g. Good idea

  A: Hello, Bill. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?

  B: 56 .

  A: Pretty good. I was told that you would finish your high school study.


  B: I am going to study computer in college. 58 ?

  A: My parents are hoping I will go to music school, but I'm not so sure.

  B: 59 , don't you?

  A: Yes, I do. But I hate having to study music theory.

  B: Why don't you ask your music teacher for advice?

  A: 60 .

  VI. Writing ( 25points )

  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 100-200 words on the title: Going Abroad to Study. Base your composition on the outline given below.




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