II. Cloze
There are 10 blanks in the following passage(s). For each blank there are five choices marked A, B, C, D and E. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage(s).
In Britain, a student who receives further full-time education after the age of eighteen, either at a university or at a teachers’ training college or at some other college giving training of a 36 C type, can usually receive a grant from the public authorities to cover his expenses, or most of them, unless his parents have a large income. But the number of young people who can 37 A universities is limited by the capacity of the universities, which is 38 B than enough to take all the young people who have the basic qualifications for university admission. In practice, therefore, entry to the universities is competitive. But university degree courses are also 39 D at polytechnics, and entry to the Open University is less restricted.
The academic year begins after the summer holidays and is divided into three “terms”, with the 40 B between them formed by the Christmas and Easter holidays. The exact dates of the holidays vary from area to area, 41 A in general about two weeks at Christmas and Easter, plus often a week or more at Whitsun, and six weeks in the summer, beginning rather late. Schools outside the state system decide on their own holiday 42 B , generally taking a month off at Christmas and Easter and eight weeks in the summer. The three terms are not everywhere called by the same names; indeed 43D schools call the January-March period “the Spring Term”, others use “Spring Term” for the period April-July. Some call the January term “Winter Term” (which is logical), others call it “Easter Term”.
Day-schools mostly work Monday to Friday only, from about 9 44 A to between 3 and 4 p.m. Lunch is provided and parents pay for it unless they prove to the authorities that they cannot well afford 45 C . All primary school children, including those in independent schools, were given milk free of charge until 1970 when the Government abolished this benefit.
36. A. particular B. especial C. special D. peculiar
37. A. enter B. admit C. go in D. come in
38. A. more B. less C. much D. little
39. A. capable B. possible C. probable D. available
40. A. turns B. intervals C. rounds D. times
41. A. being B. doing C. having D. getting
42. A. days B. dates C. periods D. ages
43. A. lots B. any C. many D. some
44. A. a.m. B. p.m. C. B.C. D. A.D.
45. A. down B. off C. to D. from
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