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来源:考试网  [ 2018年3月10日 ]  【


  1. If you make a promise, you should __________ it.

  A) carry B) fulfill C) obey D) catch

  2. The _________ cause of his success was his ability to work for long hours without tiredness.

  A) fundamental B) magnificent C) sentimental D) reasonable

  3. This is thought to be the area where _________ research is needed.

  A) available B) plus C) further D) evident

  4. Young people and their parents sometimes do not under stand each other. It is said that there is a generation ___________ between them.

  A) gap B) distance C) issue D) gulf

  5. Women _________ like to shop for new clothes.

  A) general speaking B) in generally C) in general D) on general

  6. The poor are usually __________ to each other.

  A) general B) generous C) generate D) genius

  7. At the end of the performance. the audience applauded with ___________ enthusiasm.

  A) long B) whole C) indeed D) genuine

  8. I went __________ his letter carefully but found no word of encouragement.

  A) over B) up C) off D) into

  9. John’s youngest son is __________ medicine.

  A) making up for B) putting up with C) going in for D) standing up for

  10. After the death of their parents, the sisters got _________ well and never quarrelled.

  A) along B) away C) across D) at

  11. He used to be afraid of heights but he has __________ that now.

  A) done without B) gone through C) cut down D) got over

  12. Due to bad weather, she had to __________ her attempt to swim the channel.

  A) turn down B) put up C) give up D) make out

  13. As neither of us would give __________ , the bargain fell through.

  A) away B) in C) off D) out

  14. After he retired from his job in London, the old man went back to his hometown and lived there ______ .

  A) for good B) for long C) for rest D) for sure

  15. The children performed a very ________ dance for their parents.

  A) gracious B) graceful C) smart D) precise

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