• Topic Area: Social Behavior
• Topic: Trust among People
• 1. Do you live on campus or at home? How do you get along with your classmates?
• 2. What do you do when someone asks for help?
• 3. Why do some people tell lies?
• 4. What would you do if you found someone stealing or cheating?
• 5. What do you do when a classmate faces difficulty?
Trust among People (for candidates)
• Each of you will be given a card. I’d like you to tell the story based on the pictures given on your card. Remember, you should tell only your part of the story.
• Right. Now that we all know what the story is about, we can see that instead of being trusted and rewarded, the lady got herself into trouble.
• The importance of building more trust among people
More questions
• 1. What do you think of the claim made by the old man’s family members in the story?
• 2. What would you do if you were the lady driver in the story?
• 3. Why do you think the old man’s family members behaved that way?
• 4. How is it that people sometimes don’t trust each other?
• 5. What do you think we should do to promote trust among people?
• Topic Area: University Life
• Topic: Living and Studying Habits
• 1. Do you exercise in the morning or in the afternoon, or not at all? Please explain.
• 2. When do you usually go to bed? What do you usually do in the evening?
• 3. Can you always finish your homework in time? Why or why not?
• 4. Do you enjoy the food in your school cafeteria? What are your favorite foods?
• 5. Do most of your classmates lead a healthy life? Please elaborate.
Living and Studying Habits (for candidates)
• Please describe the unhealthy habits stated on your card and comment on them.
• 1. 学习无计划:如作业拖拉、不预习、不复习、临时抱佛脚
• 2. 饮食不规律:如不吃早餐、偏食、暴食暴饮、过度节食
• 3. 作息不规律:如睡懒觉、熬夜、不休息、不锻炼
• How Healthy Living and Studying Habits Contribute to one’s success.
More questions
• 1. Do your roommates or classmates have different living habits? How do you manage to get along?
• 2. Do you find it annoying if your classmates are late for class? What do you think could be done to solve the problems?
• 3. What are some of your living habits that you consider healthy?
• 4. Do you think it’s easy to change one’s living habits? Why or why not?
• 5. Do you believe punctuality (being on time) is a virtue? Please explain.
• 6. During the discussion, why did you say that…?