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来源:考试网   2010-09-11   【
Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  41. He asked us to _____ them in carrying through their plan.

  A) provide C) assist

  B) arouse D) persist

  42. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, _____ was to be expected.

  A) that C) so

  B) what D) as

  43. He was such a _____ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.

  A) specific C) heroic

  B) dynamic D) diplomatic

  44. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _____ which occurred in his dormitory.

  A) occasions C) incidents

  B) matters D) issues

  45. The opening between the rocks was very narrow, but the boys managed to _____ through.

  A) press C) stretch

  B) squeeze D) leap

  46. They are trying to _____ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.

  A) expose C) exhibit

  B) exhaust D) exploit

  47. The manager urged his staff not to _____ the splendid opportunity.

  A) drop C) escape

  B) miss D) slide

  48. _____ I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man.

  A) Much as C) If only

  B) Only if D) As much

  49. Because of a _____ engagement, Lora couldn't attend my birthday party last Saturday.

  A) pioneer C) prior

  B) premature D) past

  50. The continuous rain _____ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.

  A) set back C) set out

  B) set off D) set aside

  51. Not having a good command of English can be a serious _____ preventing you from achieving your goals.

  A) obstacle C) offense

  B) fault D) distress

  52. It's very _____ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.

  A) concerned C) considerable

  B) careful D) considerate

  53. Many a player who had been highly thought of has _____ from the tennis scene.

  A) disposed C) discouraged

  B) disappeared D) discarded

  54. She's fainted. Throw some water on her face and she'll _____.

  A) come round C) come on

  B) come along D) come out
