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考试网   2017-04-29   【

  前缀dis-(dif-、di-) = apart;to undo;lack of、to remove;not

  dis-是个很常见的前缀,它原是副词性的拉丁前缀,意思为apart。当它作为原生前缀与拉丁词根结合时,根据词根首字母的情况,分别使用dis-、dif-、di-三种形式。其中,dis-主要出现在c、p、r、s、t等字母前面;而di-则出现在l、m、r、v等字母前面,其中又出现在它的v前面最为常见自15世纪以来,dis-成为英国中的一个活性词缀,能与英语中的外来借词或本族语单词相缀合,表示否定的意思。它的缀合对象可以是动词、名词或形容词。当与动词缀合时, dis的意思相当于to undo 或not;当与名词相缀合时,其意思相当 于lack of ( 这时不改变名词词性)或to remove (这时,把名词变 成功词) ;当它与形容词结合时,意思相当于not ,在个别情况下 ,作to make not 解(这时生成的是动词)。由于dis-用法较为复杂,我们将分两部分介绍。先介绍dis-及其异体作为原生词缀与词根结合的情况,再介绍dis-作为派生词缀表示否定意义的各种用法。

  用法一. dis-如何与不同首字母的词根相结合。

  1.discern [dis- = apart 开;cern = to separate 分=> " to separate one apart from the others 将一物与它物分开"→]

  vt. distinq uish;recognize 辨别;认出

  ex)Through the fog I could just discern a car towards me. 在农雾中,我们只能辨别出是一辆小汽车朝我开来。

  2.dispense [dis- = apart 分开;如ns = to pay 付出;-e=> " to pay apart分别付出"→]

  vt. give out;distribute 分収;分配

  ex) The Red Cross dispensed food and clothing to the victims. 红十字会向难民分发衣物、食品。

  3.disrupt [dis- = apart 开;rupt == to break 破"to break apart 破 裂" ]

  vt. 分裂;瓦解

  ex) The enemy tried to disrupt our coutry but failed in the edn. 敌人相分裂我们的国家但最后失败了。

  4.dissuade [dis=apart 离;suade == to urge 力劝 →"to urge sb.apart 力劝某人离开"]

  vt. persuade notωdo sth. 劝止,劝 阻

  ex)The father finally dissuaded his son from leaving school. 父亲终止儿子的中途辍学的想法。

  5.distract [dis- =apart 开;tract == to draw 牵引→]

  vt. draw apart (the mind or attention) 引开(心思) ,分散(注意力) , 使分心

  ex) Noise distracts my attention from studying. 吵闹声使我无法专心学习。

  用法二. dif- 和di-能与何种首字母的词根相缀合。

  1. differ [dif- (dis-) == apart 开;fer == to carry 拿→"to carry apart from each other 拿开;互相分离"→]

  v. be unlike;disagree 不同 ,相异

  ex)My answer to the arithmatic problem differs from hers. 我得出的这道算术题的答案和她的不一样。

  2.diffuse [dif- (dis-) = apart 开;fus = to pour 倾倒;-e →"to pour apart in every direction 向四面八方洒开"→ ]

  vt. scatter widely 使散开,使扩散

  ex)The sun diffuses light and heat. 太阳散发出光和热。

  3.dilate [di- (dis-) = apart 开;lat - to widen 加宽;"to widen apart 加宽开来"→]

  vt . expand;enlarge 膨胀;扩大

  ex)When you take a deep breath、you dilate your nostrils. 当你深呼吸时,鼻孔就扩张了。

  4.divert [di- (dis-) = apart 开;vert = to turn 转→"to turn apart 转 开"→]

  vt. turn aside 转向,转移

  ex)The king dimidiated the land between his two sons. 国王把国土平分给两个儿子。

  5.divide [di- (dis-) = apart 开;vid == to separate 分;-e=>"to separate apart 分割开"→]

  vt. separate into parts 分,划分

  ex) A brook divides the field. 一条河把田野分成两部分。

  用法三. dis- 跟派生词相结合。

  1. disagree [dis- = to undo 取消]

  v. fil to agreee;differ 不同意;不一致

  ex)Your account of the incident disagrees with his. 你对该事件的说法跟他的说法不符合。


  1.disadvantage [dis- = lack of 无;advantage n.有利条件→]


  ex)Her shyness is a disadvantage in company. 她胆小害羞不利于她交友。

  2.dishonour [dis- = lack of 无;honour n.名誉→]


  ex)The robber brought dishonour to his family. 那个盗贼使自己的家门蒙羞。

  3.disorder [dis- = lack of 无;order n.秩序→]


  ex)The room was in disorder after the birthday party. 生日聚会之后,房里一片杂乱。

  4.disarm [dis- = to remove 去掉;arm n.武器→]

  vt. 缴...的械

  ex)The policemen captured the robbers and disarmed them. 警察抓住强盗并缴了他们的械。


  1.dishonest [dis- = not 不;honest adj.诚实的→]


  ex)Lying、cheating and stealing are dishonest. 撒谎、欺诈与偷盗都是不诚实的行为。

  2.disloyal [dis- = not 不;loyal adj.忠诚的→]

  adj.not loyal ;unfaithful 不忠诚的

  ex)A disloyal servant let robbers into the house. 一个不忠的个人把强盗引进门。

  3.dissimilar [dis- = no 不;similar adj.相似的→]


  ex)The brothers had markedly dissimilar characteristics. 这些兄弟性格各不相同。
