电子书(e-book)通常指数字化出版物,它可以包含文字、图片、声音、影像或几者兼有。现在人们经常使用智能手机(smartphone)、平板电脑(tablet)或者专门为电子书制造的电子阅读器来阅读电子书。电子书内容丰富,便于存储,而且价格低廉,有助于阅读的普及。从传统意义上讲,电子书是纸质书的电子化,但现在许多电子书并没有纸质的对应物。电子书以数字形式存储,因此人们随时都可以阅读。2012年,美国电子书的销量首次超过精装书(hardcover book)。
E-books generally refer to digitized publications. They can include words, pictures, sounds, images, or a combination of two or more. Now people often read e-books with smartphones, tablets, or e-books readers that are specially made for e-books. E-books have colorful contents and are convenient to store. Their prices are cheap and they are conductive to the popularity of reading. E-books are traditionally believed as an electronic version of the printed books. but now many e-books exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are stored digitally, so they can be read at any time. In 2012,e-books sales in the United States surpassed hardcover book sales for the first time.