“昆曲”是指自元末明初发源于江苏昆山的戏曲形式,被称作中国戏曲之鼻祖,对中国的戏曲艺术有着巨大的影响力。昆曲以鼓、板控制演唱节奏,以曲笛、三弦等为主要伴奏乐器,其唱念语音为“中州韵”,北曲遵“中原”,南曲遵“洪武”。 昆曲唱腔华丽婉转、念白儒雅、表演细腻。 2001年,昆曲被联合国教科文组织列为“人类口述和非物质遗产代表作”。
Kun Opera is dated back to the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty (600 years ago) in the city of Kunshan, Jiangsu Province and is one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera which has had a considerable influence to the domain. The rhythm is controlled by drum and plank in Kun Opera. The main instruments are Chinese bamboo flute and San-Hsien (a three-stringed plucked instrument) etc. Its singing rhyme follows Zhongzhou rhyme (the rhyme of verse of Chinese opera in Central China). Northern Kun Opera is based on phonetics in mid-china and Southern Kun Opera is based on Hongwu Zhengyun (phonological system of Tang and Song Dynasty which is similar with Suzhou dialect). The vocal voice of Kun Opera is beautiful and mild, the spoken parts are elegant and the performance is delicate. In 2001, Kun Opera was classified as "Representative of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).