白鳍豚是一种淡水鲸类白鳍豚科动物,国家一级野生保护动物。白鳍豚是恒温动物,用肺呼吸,被誉为“水中的大熊猫”。 白鳍豚喜欢群居,尤其在春天交配季节,喜欢生活在江河的深水区,属于食肉动物。白鳍豚主要生活在长江中下游及与其连通的洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、钱塘江等水域中,2007年宣布白鳍豚功能性灭绝。
White-fin Dolphin
The White-fin Dolphin, also known as baiji in Chinese, is a species of freshwater dolphin under first-class protection of wildlife in China. As a homothermal Cetacea, it breathes through its lungs and is called "panda in water". White-fin dolphins are gregarious, which particularly obvious during their mating season in spring. As a carnivorous species, they live in profundal water areas, specifically in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its connected areas such as Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake and Qiantang River in China. In 2007, the white-fin dolphin was declared functionally extinct.