freeze to death 冻死
be sensitive to weather changes 对天气变化敏感
weather forecast 天气预报
turn cold all of a sudden 突然变冷
foggy/dense/heavy fog 雾天/浓雾
snowstorm 暴风雪
warm up 转暖
become/get worse (天气)变糟
sunny/clear up 晴天/变晴
mild/agreeable 温和
shower/downpour 阵雨/大雨
the unreliable weather forecast不可信的气象预测
air-conditioner available 有空调
furnace/stove 炉子
switch 开关
cupboard/closet 碗橱
heater 热水器
curtain/drape 窗帘,帘子
wallpaper 壁纸,墙纸
comb 梳子
sheet 床单
pillow 枕头
mat 席子,垫子
mattress 床垫
couch 沙发
chest 柜子;橱
rug 小地毯
carpet 地毯
shower 淋浴