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来源:考试网   2016-12-02   【

  office hour 坐班时间

  consultant 顾问

  consult sb. about sth./doing sth.与某人商量(做)某事

  be lost / be all at sea / be in the dark 听不懂

  figure out / make sense / catch / follow words 听懂

  drop off 放弃

  doze off 打瞌睡

  associate professor 副教授

  lecturer 讲师

  punctual / prompt 准时的

  be punctual for (school / meeting)准时上课/开会

  run over time / late 常拖堂

  test papers 试卷

  the boring lecturers令人厌烦的讲师

  the poorly designed course设计得不好的课程

  an informative lecture由教益的讲课

  deliver a lecture上课

  pursue one’s studies in… 从事……方面的研究

  read it through the way 按章节顺序阅读

  read books from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书

  brush up on 温习

  keep drifting away 一直走神

  hold one’s interest 吸引住某人

  the whole course 整个课程

  attend a lecture 上课

  take sb. out of sth. 说服某人不做某事

  seminar schedule 研讨会日程

  make a copy of 复印一份

  take the course 上课

  narrow the topic down 缩小话题

  making public speeches 做公众演讲

  fill up (课程人数)已满

  go over my notes 复习我的笔记

  term paper 学期论文

  research 研究

  poll 民意调查

  project (学生独立钻研的课外)课题

  presentation (针对某一专题的)演示

  make a start 开始

  cover every aspect of the topic 包括主题的每个方面

  get through this novel 读完这本小说

  lecture notes 课堂笔记

  fill sb. in 给某人补课

  schedule / school timetable 课程表

  journal 日记

  attendance / participation 出勤

  miss a class 缺课

  course arrangement 课程安排

  application form 申请表

  assessment 综合评估

  extension 延期

  at least 2000 words in length 至少2000字

  specialized course 专业课

  required course 必修课

  optional / selective course 选修课

  basic course 基础课
