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来源:考试网   2020-04-09【

  Migrants crossing deadly seas and burning deserts to escape conflict, poverty and persecution are also at risk of being trafficked.


  These changes reveal the consequences of living in a world of radically increased interdependence. National affairs are intertwined as never before by the international systems that govern economies, financial markets, business relations, and trade.


  If the current intensity of case detection and contact tracing is sustained, the virus can be soundly defeated by the end of this year. That means getting to zero and staying at zero.


  At a time when the need for humanitarian assistance has never been higher and when there are more refugees and displaced people than at any time since the end of the Second World War, charities play an increasingly vital role in meeting human need.


  Each one of us can make a difference. In a world that is ever more digitally connected, each of us has the power and responsibility to inspire our fellow human beings to act to help others and create a more humane world.


  I call on people everywhere to volunteer and act charitably in the face of human suffering.


  Volunteerism is an ideal way to improve society – and it is open to virtually everyone.


  A health system needs reliable information to be responsive as well as efficient. All health systems have sources of waste. But without reliable information to set priorities, adjust strategies, and measure results, that waste increases substantially.


  Cooperatives strive to uphold the principles of equality and democratic participation. They are strongly committed to the communities they serve.


  Desertification and land degradation pose a threat to food security, stability and peace. In response, we must act quickly, resolutely and on multiple fronts. This concerns the communities directly affected – but it is important for all of us, across the world.


  Children make up a large share of these migration flows, at times traveling without their parents. Such journeys are frequently paths to child labor and exploitation.


  Without adequate education, former child laborers are more likely than others to end up in poorly paid and insecure work as adults or to be unemployed.



  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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