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来源:考试网   2019-06-26【

  1. 世界银行、国际货币基金组织等国际金融机构的资源应该优先用于帮助发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家。

  The World Bank, the IMF and other international financial institutions should make their resources available, on a priority basis, to developing countries, favoring the least developed countries in particular.

  2. 国际金融危机发生以来,中国通过各种方式和渠道向发展中国家提供援助。

  Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China has provided assistance to developing countries through multiple means and channels.

  3. 我们向国际货币基金组织增资500亿美元,明确要求将资金有限用于最不发达国家。

  We contributed $50 billion to IMF’s resource increase with an explicit request that the resources be used, first and foremost, to help the least developed countries.

  4. 我们同有关国家和地区签署了总额达6500亿美元人民的双边货币互换协议,共同应对国际金融危机冲击。

  We signed bilateral currency swap agreements worth 650 billion yuan with relevant countries and regions in a joint response to the impact of the financial crisis.

  5. 我愿代表中国政府庄严承诺,中国将在南南合作框架内继续想发展中国家提供利索能及地援助,尽力帮助发展中国家实现发展。

  On behalf of the Chinese Government, I would like to make the solemn commitment that China will continue to offer assistance to other developing countries as its ability permits within the framework of South-South cooperation, and do its utmost to help other developing countries realize development.

  6. 上海是世界上最大地海港城市之一,也是中国最大地工业、商业、金融、航运中心之一。

  Shanghai is one of the world’s largest seaports and among China’s biggest industrial, commercial, financial and shipping centers.

  7. 上海以他独特的风韵吸引着数以百万计地海内外游客。作为一座国际达都市,上海地国际航班可以直达实际上60多座城市。

  Shanghai has attracts millions of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm. As an international metropolis, Shanghai provides direct flights to more than 60 cities in the world.






责编:liyuxin 评论 纠错


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