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来源:考试网   2019-01-30【


  1. 我非常想了解有关中国对外贸易政策。

  I would like to know about China’s foreign trade policy.

  2. 我们竭诚欢迎外国朋友来华投资,并正积极为投资者创造更有利的投资环境。

  We welcome foreign friends to invest in China and we are trying to create a favorable environment for them.

  3. 欢迎您出席我们的项目签约仪式。

  Welcome to our signing ceremony.

  4. 此次投资洽谈会包括开闭幕式、投资论坛和项目对接会。

  The investment fair includes opening and closing ceremonies, the investment forum and match-up sessions.

  5. 我们期望这次谈判取得双赢的结果。

  We expect the negotiation to achieve win-win result/situation/deal.

  6. 我方出资大约占投资总额的51%,其中包括现金,厂房,场地使用前之类。

  We will lay out 51% of the total investment which includes cash, factory building, and the right to use the site, etc. with investment value reaches/exceeds

  7. 我想先下一个是试订单。Accomplish the order

  I would like to place a trial order.

  8. 合同中规定必须在本月底前交货。Clauses/terms/as stipulated in the contract/contract requires that

  The contract requires the delivery before the end of this month.

  9. 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间或非政府间的贷款。Profitable

  We may consider the government-to-government or non-governmental loans if the condition permits.

  10. 我们主要采取了一些国际上的惯例做法。

  In most cases, we adopted usual international practices.

  11. 谈判就是一个不断妥协的过程。

  Negotiation is a process of constant compromise.

  12. 我们装配线上的所有的机器都是从德国引进的,有专人定期维护和检查。

  All the machines in our assembly line are imported from Germany and receive regular check-ups and maintenance.

  13. 一般的做法是,销售经理拿到订单后会给生产部门下单,订单完成后再由配送部门送货。

  The normal practice is that the sales manger gets an order and passes it on to the production department. And the finished products are delivered by the distribution department.

  14. 在进入生产车间之间,请穿上防护服,换上鞋服。

  Before entering the production room, please wear protective clothing and shoe covers.

  15. 这是我们的产品目录和说明书,如果您对什么产品感兴趣,请告诉我。

  Here are our catalogue and instructions/descriptions/directions. If you find any item interesting, please let me know.

  16. 这条全自动生产线的年生产能力达到5万件。

  The capacity of this fully automated production line reaches 50,000 pieces per year.

  17. 这是成品,这是半成品,这是劣质品,大家可看出有什么不一样吗?

  This is a finished product; this is a semi-finished product and this is an inferior product. Can you tell the difference?

  18. 这里是我们的客户服务部,负责处理客户投诉,旁边是公关部,负责公司的外宣和广告。

  This is our customer service department, which is responsible for handling complaints. Next to it is the public relations department responsible for the publicity and advertising of the company.

  19. 我们为客户提供售前、售中和售后服务。

  We provide services before, during and after sales for our customers.

  20. 展厅里的所有样品在目录上都可以找到。

  All the samples in the showroom can be found in the catalogue.

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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