1. 拉斯维加斯国际电子展以其历史悠久、参展商众多而著称。
Las Vegas International Electronics Show is famous/known/renowned for long history and numerous participants.
2. 缅甸的玉制品世界知名,应该作为我们此次考察的重点。
Burma’s jade products are world-renowned and should be the focus/center/key point/priority of our investigation.
3. 由于国内劳动力成本急剧上升,我们选择了东南亚作为我们的生产基地。
Due to the sharp rise of domestic labor cost, we choose Southeast Asia as the production base. Surge/slump
4. 总经理此次前来是来了解一下越南当地摩托车的销售情况。
The general manager is here to find out the sales of motorcycles in Vietnam.
5. 我们选择在非洲开厂,其实也是为了绕过欧洲对我们设立的贸易壁垒。Establish/set up/found propose/put forward
The reason why we open factories in Africa is to avoid the trade barriers imposed by Europe.
6. 最近一段时间中国制造的质量问题引起了国际社会的关注和担忧,也引起了中国政府的重视。
Recently the quality problem of Made-in-China has caused international concerns and also the attention of Chinese government.
7. 今天只是我们合作的开始,我们需要进一步加强和扩大合作关系。
Today is the beginning of our cooperation/collaboration and we need to reinforce/strengthen/enhance/boost and expand our partnership/cooperative relations.
8. 我对贵国的地毯很感兴趣,我觉得这些商品在中国很有销路。
I am interested in your carpets and I think they will be sold well./they will find a good/ready market.
9. 我们即将在沙特开两家分公司和三家办事处。
We are about to open two branches and three offices in Saudi Arabia.
10. 我们专门经营中国棉纺织品的出口,非常愿意与你们进行这方面的合作。
As the specialist in the export of Chinese cotton goods, we would like to cooperate with you in this field. Specialize / exclusive
11. 总经理的美国之行一共签订了20张订单,总额为200万美元。
The general manager has placed 20 orders reaching/adding up to/valued at 2 million US dollars.
12. 我们集团在贵国有庞大的售后服务队伍,您可以就近维修。
Our group has a large after-sales service team in your country. You can go to the nearest one.
13. 本公司在全球范围内有三个级别的客服系统,即总部级,区域级和地方级。
The company has three levels of customer service on a global scale, namely headquarters, regional and local.
14. 贵国实施积极的改革措施,保障经济的稳步发展,这正是我们这些投资者最为看重的。
Your country is carrying out proactive reform plan to ensure the steady economic growth. This is the most important element we investors value.
15. 我们在贵国的公司员工为400人,其中本地招募的就超过200人。
We have 400 employees in your country, of which over 200 are recruited locally.
16. 埃及开罗的培训中心已经于去年启动,为中国总部输送更多的人才。
The Cairo Training Center was launched last year to deliver/develop more talents for Chinese headquarters.
17. 来自中国的这家电信公司与当地14家主要的运营商建立了合作关系。
This telecommunication company from China has established cooperative relationship with 14 main operators here.
18. 华为公司已经于2004年投资700万美元建立了华为尼日利亚培训中心。
Huawei invested USD 7 million in 2004 to build Huawei Nigeria Training Center.
19. 双方必须调动一切人力财力来克服合作过程中的更多困难。
Both sides must mobilize human and financial resources to overcome difficulties in their cooperation.
20. 中国制造一定能够赢得全世界消费者的认可和信任。
Made-in –China will win/is bound to win the recognition and trust from consumers all over the world.
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