English to Chinese Interpreting
The plunging water has worn away the lower rocks so that there are caves behind the sheets of water of both falls. Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get an unusual view. The Canadian falls has carved a plunge basin 59 meters deep. Both the United States and Canadian governments have built parks, viewing platforms, paths, and highways. The Niagara Reservation State Park was established in 1885 and is New York's oldest state park. It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe Falls. At night colored lights illuminate the falls and create a charming spectacle which viewers find hard to turn away from. The park area has long been a tourist site and a favorite spot for couples to spend their honeymoons.
飞泻直下的河水冲蚀着下面的岩石,久而久之,两大瀑布的水帘之后便出现了洞穴。游客可以进入位于美国瀑布谷底旁的“风穴”,观赏穴内奇景,可一饱眼福。加拿大瀑布长年累月的冲蚀,在其谷底造就成一个 59 米深的盆池。美加两国政府分别为尼亚加拉瀑布建造了公园、观赏台、步行路径和高速公路。尼亚加拉保护区州辖公园于 1885年建立,是纽约州年代最久的州辖公园。公园里耸立着一座观察塔,游人乘电梯直下,可来到美国瀑布底部的峡谷地带。游客还可以乘坐游艇驶入马蹄瀑布谷底的水域。夜幕降临后,瀑布在五色斑斓的灯光的照耀下,显得风情万种,妩媚无比,令人流连忘返。多年来,尼亚加拉瀑布公园一直是游人驻足之胜地,鸳侣蜜月之佳所 。
English to Chinese Interpreting
Since ancient times, China's prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches "peace is most precious" and "harmony without uniformity." We always believe that though the Chinese and U. S. civilizations are different, they can easily get along with each other instead of repelling each other. As major countries of global influence, China and the United States should respect and learn from each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, and complement each other with respective strengths. In so doing, we can set a good example for different countries and civilizations to live side by side harmoniously and engage in constructive cooperation, making a contribution to the common development of humanity. Last August, nine U.S. students from Snowden National School in Boston joined Chinese students in Hebei and Beijing in a 15-day program entitled “U. S. and Chinese City Students View China.” During the program, the students overcame language and cultural barriers, rose above perhaps one-sided views, and forged deep friendship through communication and interaction. The U.S. students learnt to sing the Chinese song “Jasmine” and paint landscape with Chinese brushes. “We like China.” These are words from the bottom of their hearts. The Chinese students learnt quite standard American English pronunciation and the American hip-hop. When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future.
硅谷犹如一块磁铁,把许许多多天资聪颖的工程师、科学家、企业家从世界各地吸引到这里。他们来此寻求功名,希望快速致富,积极投身于技术革命,而这场革命所带来的影响必将超 过昔日具有划时代意义的欧洲文艺复兴运动和产业革命。 硅谷人的工作之勤奋,举世罕见。一天工作15 个小时,一周工作七天,这样的工作日程安排在硅谷却是司空见惯的现象,尤其在创业初期更是如此。硅谷人放弃社交生活,减少与家人一起生活的时间,努力去寻求事业彩虹尽头处的那一桶金。正是这种孜孜不求卓越的精神,加上优良的团队精神,支持着硅谷人的奋斗理念,他们不达目的绝不罢休。在硅谷,文凭虽然有用,却不是一切,一纸定不了终身,硅谷更看重求职者的真才实学和岗位资质。最具有说服力的例子莫过于行业的偶像人物,如苹果公司的创始人乔布斯和沃茨尼亚克,微软的创始人盖茨,他们都是一些大学辍学者,在讲究学历的社会很可能永无出头之日。毫无疑问,美国人虽然存在着宗族歧视,但这种现象在硅谷却难寻踪影。硅谷人最看中的是人才视野和成长历程,而不是国籍,肤色或宗教信仰。这种观念加上硅谷多宗族的社会、不拘礼仪的生活方式、舒适宜人的气候,使外国人近悦远来。
Chinese to English Interpreting
Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world's smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world's most attractive counties from the tourist's viewpoint. This country has a land area of 7,686, 850 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers. The vast movements of the earth's crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.
Chinese to English Interpreting
伦敦是世界上古典文化和通俗文化的大中心之一。自16世纪莎士比亚时代起伦敦一直享有拥有一流剧院的美誉,如宏伟的皇家国家剧院和豪华的皇家歌剧院。伦敦拥有数量众多的交响乐园,如伦敦交响乐团、皇家爱乐乐团和英格兰室内乐园。伦敦有一些世界上最负盛名的音乐厅,如皇家节日厅,为伦敦各类音乐演出提供了良好的场所。虽然有着2000年历史和文化的伦敦自身就是一座活生生的博物馆,它却集中了一个宠大的博物馆群,数量超过100个,为世界其他城市所少见。大英博物馆镶刻在这顶文化 皇冠上的一颗宝石,拥有 4 公里长的展廊和 400 万余件展品。
London is one of the world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. it has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century. The variety ranges from the majestic Royal National Theatre to the lavish Royal Opera House. The sheer number of symphony orchestras is impressive and includes the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra. Some of the most well-known concert halls in the world, such as the Royal Festival Hall, provide favorable venues for the cornucopia of performances in London. London itself is a living museum, with more than 2,000 years of history and culture. But it also boasts one of the greatest concentrations of significant museums (more than 100) of any city in the world. The jewel in this cultural crown is the British Museum, with 4 kilometers of galleries and more than 4 million exhibits.
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师