London is one of the world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. it has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century. The variety ranges from the majestic Royal National Theatre to the lavish Royal Opera House. The sheer number of symphony orchestras is impressive and includes the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra. // Some of the most well-known concert halls in the world, such as the Royal Festival Hall, provide favorable venues for the cornucopia of performances in London. London itself is a living museum, with more than 2,000 years of history and culture. But it also boasts one of the greatest concentrations of significant museums (more than 100) of any city in the world. The jewel in this cultural crown is the British Museum, with 4 kilometers of galleries and more than 4 million exhibits.
伦敦是世界上古典文化和通俗文化的大中心之一。自16世纪莎士比亚时代起伦敦一直享有拥有一流剧院的美誉,如宏伟的皇家国家剧院和豪华的皇家歌 剧院。伦敦拥有数量众多的交响乐园,如伦敦交响乐团、皇家爱乐乐团和英格兰室内乐园。//伦敦有一些世界上最负盛名的音乐厅,如皇家节日厅,为伦敦各类音 乐演出提供了良好的场所。虽然有着2000年历史和文化的伦敦自身就是一座活生生的博物馆,它却集中了一个宠大的博物馆群,数量超过100个,为世界其他 城市所少见。大英博物馆镶刻在这顶文化 皇冠上的一颗宝石,拥有 4 公里长的展廊和 400 万余件展品。
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