World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s "Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021" shows that China has made continuous progress from ranking 14th last year to 12th this year and is now "knocking at the door of the GII top 10," which "underlines the continued importance of governmental policies and incentives to stimulate innovation."
世界知识产权组织(WIPO)发布的《2021年全球创新指数报告》显示,2021年中国创新指数在全球排名第12位,较2020年上升2位,排名连续稳步上升。最 新排名已接近进入前 十名之列,彰显了政府决策和激励措施对于促进创新的重要性。
全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index)由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)自2007年开始发布,已经成为国际上关于创新和知识产权水平的权 威报告。报告通过政策环境(institutions)、人力资本与研究(human capital and research)、基础设施(infrastructure)、市场成熟度(market sophistication)、商业成熟度(business sophistication)、知识与技术产出(knowledge and technology outputs)、创意产出(creative outputs)等七大类81项指标,对全球132个经济体的综合创新能力进行系统衡量。
Since 2013, China has moved up the GII ranks consistently and steadily, being the only middle-income economy in the list and establishing itself as a global innovation leader.
The number of China's patents by origin, scaled by gross domestic product (GDP), is higher than those of Japan, Germany and the United States, and is even more impressive when considered in absolute terms. The same is true for the number of trademarks and industrial designs by origin as a percentage of GDP.
中国的本国人专利数量在国内生产总值中的规模高于日本、德国和美国。按绝 对价值计算,表现还要更好。本国人商标和工业设计数量在国内生产总值中的占比表现也很亮眼。
In terms of innovation clusters geographically, the top 10 list remains the same as last year with only minor shifts. Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou and Beijing now rank second and third, respectively, after the Tokyo-Yokohama cluster in Japan. Shanghai ranks eighth. Of the top 100 clusters, China has 19.
在全球“最 佳科技集群”排名中,前 十名的位次与去年相比,仅有微小变动。日本东京—横滨地区排名第一,中国深圳—香 港—广州地区和北京分别位列第二、三位,上海排名第八。全球100个领先的科技集群,有19个在中国。
As in past years, Switzerland, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom continue to lead the innovation ranking. Other countries in the GII top 10 include South Korea, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, Denmark and Germany.
与往年一样,瑞士、瑞典、美国以及英国占据创新指数榜单前四位,位列前 十的其他几个国家分别是韩国、荷兰、芬兰、新加坡、丹麦和德国。
世界科技前沿 global science frontiers
基础研究 basic research
科技创新能力 sci-tech innovation capability
推动重要领域关键核 心技术攻关 advance research on core technologies in important areas
创新驱动发展 innovation-driven development
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师