The total exhibition area of this year's CIIE will be further expanded to 366,000 square meters. Over 80 percent of Fortune Global 500 and industrial leaders who participated in the fair last year will return for the fourth CIIE.
从采购商方面看(from the purchasing side),目前,各地采购商报名积极踊跃,共有39个交易团、599个分团到会开展专业采购(39 trading groups and 599 subgroups have been drawn to the event for professional procurement)。报名采购商购买力强,年进口额1亿美元以上的超过1200家(more than 1,200 buyers with an annual import value of over $100 million have been attracted to this year's CIIE)。
本届进博会共有58个国家和3个国际组织参加国家展(a total of 58 countries and three international organizations will take part in the country exhibition),来自127个国家和地区的近3000家参展商亮相企业展(nearly 3,000 companies from 127 countries and regions have confirmed to join the event),国别、企业数均超上届。同时,有15个国家首次在国家展亮相,其中5个国家是首次参与进博会(make their debut at the CIIE)。参展国遍布五大洲,涵盖发达国家、发展中国家和最不发达国家,“一带一路”沿线国家参与踊跃。
数据显示,全球三大拍卖行、三大时尚高端消费品集团、四大粮商、十 大汽车集团、十 大工业电气企业、十 大医疗器械企业、十 大化妆品企业等悉数参展,将有大量新品首发(debut large numbers of products)。展台特装比例连续三届提升,达到96%。
在商务部研究院国际市场研究所副所长白明看来,伴随中国对外开放力度不断加大,进博会作为中国对外开放的一个重要窗口,溢出效应不断增强,成为世界各国搭乘中国发展“快车”的桥头堡(as China continues to open up to the outside world, the CIIE, seeing an increasing outflow effect, has become the bridge for countries that want to take the "fast train" of China's development)。各国期望通过进博会抓住中国提供的市场机遇、投资机遇、增长机遇,共享开放红利。
业内人士表示,从前三届进博会达成意向成交金额看,预计今年进博会成交额将再创新高(is projected to see a higher volume of transactions this year)。
high-level opening-up
open global economy
a win-win strategy of opening-up
policies to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation
broaden market access
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师