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来源:考试网   2020-05-06【

  迈向命运共同体: To build a community of common destiny

  安全的内涵和外延更加丰富,时空领域更加宽广: security means much more than before and its implications go well beyond a single region or time frame.

  对…产生影响/关系到:have a bearing on

  有权利做:be titled to do

  平等参与: take an equal part in

  有…的责任:be obliged to

  合理安全关切: legitimate security concerns

  得到尊重和保障: be respected and addressed

  考虑:bear in mind

  范围/领域:filed/ realm

  多管齐下:multi-pronged approach

  进行对话与合作:conduct dialogue and cooperation

  管控分歧/解决争端:resolve disputes

  反对动辄使用武力或以武力相威胁:oppose the willful use or threat of force

  坚持…并重:give equal emphasis on/ balance…and…

  以可持续发展促进可持续安全: sustainable development surely provides a way to sustainable security

  发挥积极和建设性作用: play a positive and constructive role in

  充分发挥…的作用:give full play to

  在漫长历史长河中: History, over the past millennia

  印度河: the Indus

  恒河流域: the Ganges

  幼发拉底河: the Euphrates

  底格里斯河: the Tigris River

  显著的多样性:distinct diversity

  中国古代思想家孟子说过:“夫物之不齐,物之情也。”:Mencius, the great philosopher in ancient China, said, “Things are born to be different.”

  不同文明没有优劣之分,只有特色之别: Civilizations are only unique, and no one is superior to the other.


  让地区发展 合作 更加活力四射: contribute to more vibrant regional cooperation and development.

  齐心协力:work in unison

  按照战略规划:under the strategic plans

  小康社会:moderately prosperous society

  全面深化改革:deepen reform in all-round

  全面推进依法治国:advance law-based governance

  从严治党:enforce strict Party conduct

  “两个一百年”奋斗目标:“two centenary” goals for China’s development

  民族伟大复兴的中国梦:the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.

  重申立场:reaffirm one's stand

  重申观点/主张:reassert one's views/oneself






责编:wzj123 评论 纠错


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