Two Bills
When BillClinton and Bill Gates played golf on Martha’s Vineyard a few years ago, theydidn’t click. The President gave Gates a heavy dose of the Clinton treatment,oozing charm and seeking emotional common ground in the fact that both had recentlylost their mothers. Clinton must have been disappointed by the cool response ofGates, who saw the subject as unduly personal. Gates, for his part, was put offthat Clinton didn’t engage him on his favorite topic, technology. When thegolfing ended, the two men went their separate ways. Gates didn’t take sides inthe Clinton-Dole election a couple of years later. Clinton let his JusticeDepartment pursue a potentially devastating antitrust lawsuit againstMicrosoft.
It’s not hard tosee why these two larger-than-life figures – one is the world’s most powerfulman, one the richest – didn’t become fast friends: the two Bills are asdifferent as the two ends of the baby-boom generation they represent. Clinton,who entered college in 1964, is dripping with Sixties values: a John F.Kennedy-style belief in public service as a calling; an Age-of-Aquarius focuson emotional connection; and a countercultural streak of sex, drugs, and rock’ n’roll. Gates, who came of age in the 1970s, has a Watergate-year detachment frompolitics, a mind-set more me-generation than “love-in”, and a passion for thegreat revolutionary force of his own decade: the personal computer.
But Clinton andGates are remarkably alike in other ways, particularly in their flaws. Bothhave almost limitless drive and self-absorption and a willingness to push therules to the edge – or pass it – to get what they want. When called to account,both have been dismissive of the legal process and have had a strainedrelationship with the truth. These qualities have landed both men in similarbinds: Clinton is waiting to hear if he will be removed from office; Gates isfending off the Justice Department’s effort to rein in, or even carve up,Microsoft. Their flaws will take center this week, as both men mount defensesin their respective trials.
Both men foundtheir callings early. Clinton was elected a senator at Boys Nation at 16. On aWashington field trip that year, he shook hands with President Kennedy – aniconic moment captured in a photo. After Yale Law School and a Rhodesscholarship, Clinton, at 32, became governor of Arkansas. The single-mindedrise to political power is a timeless story, but Clinton’s came with thedistinctive trappings of his era: The scruffy beard and antiwar protests whileat Oxford, the experimentation with pot, the civil rights movement sensibilityand the feminist wife who kept her name – at least initially.
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