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来源:考试网   2020-09-19【



  At the start of the year no one would have predicted that China would crow about such slow growth by its lofty standards. Yet on July 16th it proudly reported that GDP grew by 3.2% in the second quarter compared with a year ago, rebounding from its coronavirus lockdown. This makes it, by far, the best-performing big economy. Sceptics question the data. But alternative indicators confirm that the recovery is real, albeit highly uneven. During February the government prioritised the reopening of factories, as shown by coal consumption. Traffic congestion returned as people went back to work, partly because, wary of public transport, more commuted by car. Banks ramped up their lending to keep businesses afloat. Some credit flowed into the property market.


  感到骄傲crow about

  很高的标准lofty standards

  摆脱新冠病毒困扰,实现了经济复苏rebounding from its coronavirus lockdown

  全球表现最佳的大型经济体the best-performing big economy

  对这些数据提出了质疑 question the data

  复苏是无可置疑的 the recovery is real

  虽然发展极不平衡albeit highly uneven

  交通再次陷入拥堵traffic congestion returned

  对公共交通持谨慎态度 wary of public transport

  更多的人选择开车上下班more commuted by car

  增加贷款以维持商业运转 ramp up lending to keep businesses afloat


  At the start of the year no one would have predicted that China would crow about such slow growth by its lofty standards. Yet on July 16th it proudly reported that GDP grew by 3.2% in the second quarter compared with a year ago, rebounding from its coronavirus lockdown. This makes it, by far, the best-performing big economy. Sceptics question the data. But alternative indicators confirm that the recovery is real, albeit highly uneven. During February the government prioritised the reopening of factories, as shown by coal consumption. Traffic congestion returned as people went back to work, partly because, wary of public transport, more commuted by car. Banks ramped up their lending to keep businesses afloat. Some credit flowed into the property market.



  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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