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来源:考试网   2020-06-30【


  More than 100,000 delivery workers in Beijing are to have received nucleic acid tests by Monday in order to provide safe service for residents amid the city's recent COVID-19 outbreak, right after the e-commerce midyear promotion ended, ushering in a busy period for logistics companies. Starting from Friday evening, 17 postal service and logistics companies in Beijing have organized for about 103,000 delivery workers to receive nucleic acid testing. The major online catering platforms also announced plans to get their takeout delivery workers tested. Logistics companies have taken strict measures, such as temperature monitoring of their staff and regular disinfection, to reduce risks related to the outbreak. So far, no COVID-19 case has been reported in the postal and logistics industry in the city.




  超过10万名快递员将在6月22日之前完成核酸检测。More than 100,000 delivery workers in Beijing are to have received nucleic acid tests by Monday.

  为居民提供安全的服务 provide safe service for residents

  此时各大电商刚刚结束年中促销right after the e-commerce midyear promotion ended

  快递公司正迎来业务高峰ushering in a busy period for logistics companies

  数家大型在线餐饮平台the major online catering platforms

  宣布了安排其外卖派送员接受核酸检测的计划announced plans to get their takeout delivery workers tested

  日常消毒regular disinfection

  降低疫情相关的风险to reduce risks related to the outbreak

  北京市邮政和快递行业未报告一例病例。So far, no COVID-19 case has been reported in the postal and logistics industry in the city.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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