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来源:考试网   2020-05-26【

  探亲假 home leave

  探亲外交 family-vis it diplomacy; relat ive-visiting dip lomacy

  摊市 vending fair

  贪污腐化 corruption and degeneration

  弹性工资 flexib le pay

  弹性就业 flexib le emp loyment

  弹性外交 elastic dip lomacy

  弹性预算 discretionary budget

  探月车 lunikhod

  探 月 卫 星 lunar probe (China launched its second unmanned lunar probe, Chang'e-2 on Friday, inaugurating the second phase of a three-step moon mission, which will culminate in a soft-landing on the moon. 我国上周五成功发射第二颗无人探月卫星,标志着我国的探月工程三期总体规划进入第二期,最终将实现月球软着陆。)

  唐老鸭 Donald Duck

  糖衣炮弹 sugar-coated bullets

  唐装 traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit

  弹性汇率 flexible exchange rate

  逃避银行债务 evasion of repayment of bank loans

  套瓷 cotton up to

  套购 1. illegally buy up-illegally purchase state-controlled commodity for resale

  2. fraudulently purchase

  韬光养晦 hide one's capacit ies and bide one's time

  套话 empty conventional talk

  套换 fraudulently purchase or exchange

  逃汇 evade the state control of foreign exchange

  套汇 illegally obtain foreign exchange

  讨价还价 wheel and deal

  套近乎 cotton up to someone; curry favor with someone

  套利 arbitrage

  逃票 to sneak through without a ticket

  套 票 season ticket (Beij ing Guo'an Football Club has scrapped plans to hold a lucky draw for fans unable to get season tickets due to a severe slump in sales. 由于北京国安套票订购量剧减,北京国安足球俱乐部已经取消了让球迷摇号买票的计划。)

  逃票者 ticket evader

  套期保值 hedge

  逃生装置 secape system

  套书 serial books

  逃税 tax evasion

  陶冶情操 cultivate one's taste (temperament)

  讨债公司 debt-collection company

  套餐 set meal

  逃逸塔 escape tower

  讨债 debt collection (Indian call centers are seeing a tremendous increase in the debt collection business as the US financial cris is plunges many Americans into debt. Work as a collect ion agent is increas ingly hot with ambit ious Indian graduates who fake American accents and are busy calling debtors daily. 随 着

  金融危机的爆发,越来越多美国人陷入债务危机,这也给印度的呼叫中心带来源源不断的催债业务。追债也成为雄心勃勃的印度大学毕业生热心追求的新职业,他们模仿着美国口音, 每天忙着给欠债人打电话。)

  特别提款权 special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) ; paper gold

  特别行政区 special admin istrative reg ion

  特技演员 stunt man; stand-in

  特快专递 express mail service

  特困 exceptional poverty; special difficulty

  特困地区 destitute areas

  特困行业和企业 industries and enterprises in dire straits

  特洛伊木马 Trojan horse

  特聘 specially invite( or engage)

  特色电话机 feature phone

  特事特办 handle special cases with special methods

  特写镜头 close-up(shot) 特型演员 typecast actor 特许税 franchise tax

  特制的 purpose-made

  特种兵 special forces

  特种债券 special bondST

  股;特别处理股 Special TreatmentPT 股;特别转让股 Particular Transfer 特警 regimental police

  替 补 队 员 (in sports ) replacement team members; second-string members; reserves; spare player; potential replacement

  提成 deduct

  替代疗法 alternative treatment (As only 66 patients were involved in the test, larger studies are needed to confirm the findings. But Tai Chi looks promising as an alternative treatment to fibromyalgia, the researchers noted. 由于这一测试只涵盖了 66 位患者,还需更大规模的研究才能确认这一研究发现。不过研究人员指出,太极拳有望成为对抗纤维性肌痛的非传统疗法。)

  提调 promote or transfer( a cadre)

  梯队 echelon

  体改委 commission for economic restructuring

  提干 promote cadre

  提高城乡居民生活水平 upgrade the living standards of both urban and rural residents

  提高农产品收购价格 the government's increase in its procurement prices (for farm products)

  提高社会参与度 to enhance (encourage) mass participation

  提价 price hike

  踢皮球 kick the ball (工作中要避免踢皮球,推卸责任的作风。We should get rid of the working attitude of shifting responsibilities,)

  提请 submit something to

  替身演员 stunt man/woman; stand-in; double body

  题外话 digression; mention in passing

  体育彩票 sports lotteries

  体制创新 institutional innovation

  替罪羊 scapegoat

  天赋人权 natural rights

  天机 nature's mystery; secret

  添加剂 additive

  天时、地利、人和 favorable climatic, geographical and human comditions; favorable objective adn subjective factors for success

  填鸭式教学 cramming method of teaching

  天有不测风云 Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue;out of the blue

  天价 whopping price

  跳槽 job-hopping

  跳槽者 job-hopper

  挑大梁 shoulder a big beam

  调幅 amp litude modulation(AM)

  “跳进黄河洗不清” "even if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name "

  调 酒 器 cocktail shaker(A shaken cocktail is made by putting the desired ingredients, typically fruit juices, syrups, liqueurs and ice cubes, in the cocktail shaker.)

  调酒师 bartender

  调侃 1.joke, tease; 2. chitchat, empty talk

  跳梁小丑 contemptible scoundrel

  跳棋 Chinese chequers; Chinese draughts; halma

  条条框框 red tape;silly(or outdated) rules and regulations

  跳蚤市场 flea market

  调整和优化产业结构 re-adjust and optimize the industrial structure

  调节收入 readjust income distribution

  替班司机 relief driver

  提倡社会主义政治文明、物质文明、精神文明的协调发展 promote coordinated development of socialist political, materialist and spiritual civilization

  提倡晚婚晚育 encourage late marriage and late childbirth

  铁饭碗 iron rice bowl

  铁杆粉丝 die-hard fan (Time is running out for Oprah’s die-hard fans, and they were feeling the heat Tuesday as they waited in line outside Harpo Studios in the hopes of getting into one of the final shows. 对奥普拉的铁杆粉丝们来说,能观看她脱口秀的时间不多了。上周二,粉丝们在哈波演播室外面排长队,期待能参与录制最后几期脱口秀。)

  铁哥们 faithful pal;buddies;sworn friend

  铁腕人物 strongman; iron-handed person

  贴息贷款 soft loan

  贴现公司 discount house

  贴现率 discount market

  铁血宰相 iron-and-blood prime min ister

  体 罚 corporal punishment (21 US states still permit the use of corporal punishment in schools, and Texas accounted for 1/4 of the instances of corporal punishment in the 2006-07 school year. 美国有 21 个州允许学校使用体罚,而在2006-07 学年,1/4 的体罚案例发生在得克萨斯州。)

  提高党内事物透明度 to increase transparency in Party affairs

  提高抗风险能力 increase vig ilance against risks

  提高科技创新能力 improve scientific and technological ability for innovation

  提高全民文化素质 improve the quality of the population

  提高系统集成能力 improve systems integration

  提供巨大商机 present huge business opportunities

  停产整业 suspend operation in order to consolidate 庭审 try(or hear)a case in court

  停薪留职 retain one's position with one's salary suspended; obtain an indefinite leave of absence from one's work unit

  停业 closing days; stop doing business

  庭院经济 courtyard economy

  停 运 drivers strike. (Related departments are working on a plan to settle the drivers strike. 相关部门正着手处理停运事件。)

  厅长 head of a department (under a provincial government)

  停水 suspension of water supplies

  庭院护理用品 yard-care products

  庭长 chief judge

  提前预约 advance reservation (Beijing municipal health bureau said parents can take their children to have them checked for the presence of kidney stones at any of 74 hospitals without making advance reservations. 北京市卫生局表示,家长可以带孩子到本市 74 家医院的任何一家检查是否患有肾结石,不需要提前预约。)

  提示音 warning tone

  体制性障碍 systematic obstacles

  统保 all risk insurance

  统 编 compile for universal use

  同步卫星 geostationary satellilte

  通才 versatile person

  统筹安排 comprehensive arrangement

  统筹城乡发展 balance urban and rural development

  统 筹 兼 顾 make overall plans adn take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-round consideration

  统 筹 兼 顾 make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-round consideration

  通存通兑 the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branch bank

  同等学力 have the same educational level (as the regular graduate or student of certain academic qualificat ion)

  同等学力申请硕士学位统考 general examinat ion for applicants with educat ion background equivalent to college graduates for master's degree

  通兑 circulate or exchange

  统分结合的双层经营体制 the system of unified management combined with independent management

  通关 be cleared by the customs

  童 婚 Children wed. (A large proportion of women in India were married when they were still children, a study by the Boston University has found. 波士顿大学的一项研究发现,大部分印度妇女结婚时尚未成年。)

  通货混合,鸡尾酒式货币 currency cocktail

  通货回笼 withdrawal of currency in circulation

  通货紧缩 deflation (of currency)

  通货升值 currency revaluation

  同类产品 like product

  通票 through ticket

  同声传译 simultaneous interpretation

  统收统支 unified collection and allocation of funds by the state

  同乡会 an association of fellow provincials or townsmen

  通信光缆 communicat ions optical cab le

  同业拆借 inter-bank borrowing

  统一的多民族国家 a unified multi-ethnic country

  统一的会计制度 a unified accounting system

  统一市场 single market

  统一税 "flat tax, consolidated tax"

  统一战线 united front

  通用分组无线业务 General Packet Rad io Service (GPRS)

  通用汽车公司 General Motors Corporation (GM)

  统战部 United Front Department of the Party Central Committee

  通 胀 恐 慌 inflation fear (Consumer prices surged 4.4 percent year-on-year in October, a 25-month high, stoking inflation fears and making further monetary tightening more likely following Wednesday's reserve ratio hike. 十月份的消费价格同比上涨 4.4%,创 25 个月以来的新高,引起了通胀恐慌。周三准备金率提高之后,进一步实行货币紧缩政策的可能性增大。)

  筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment 通胀预期 inflation expectations 投标 bid for; tender for

  头寸紧 credit crunch; fund shortage

  头寸松 credit ease

  偷渡者 stowaway

  偷工减料 use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products

  透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to perceive the essence

  头号种子选手 No.1 seed (player); top seed

  投机取巧 opportunism 投机商号 bucket shop 透明度 transparency

  投入产出 invest and produce; throw in and turn out

  投入少、效益高、见效快的科技成果 advances in science and technology require less input, yield greater economic results and promise quick returns

  头市 morning market


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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