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来源:考试网   2020-05-25【

  轻水反应堆 light water reactor( LWR)

  清水衙门 work unit which has no outside income

  清算/结算 clearing /settlement

  清算公司 clearing corporation; liquidation company

  清算银行 clearing bank

  情同手足 be bound together like brothers and sisters

  倾销 dump; dumping

  轻型汽车 light-duty vehicle

  情有独钟 show special preference (favor) to …

  青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

  清洁用品 cleaning supplies

  情景喜剧 situation comedy; sitcom

  情侣装 his-and -hers clothes

  请勿乱丢杂物 no littering

  清正廉明 be honest and clean

  清真食品 Halal food

  七年之痒 seven years itch

  企事业单位 enterprise and public institution

  求大同, 存小异 seek common ground on major question while reserving differences on minor ones

  求实精神 matter-of -fact attitude

  求职信 applicat ion letter

  求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences

  企业的承受能力 the sustainability of enterprises

  企业分离办社会 relieving enterprises of their obligat ion to operate social programs

  屈体 pike 去伪存真 get rid of the fake and retain the genuine

  区位商业 location-based commerce

  取消禁运 lifting of embargo

  取信于民 attain the people's trust

  区域经济 regional economies

  区域自治 regional autonomy

  全方位、多层次、 宽领域的对 外开放格局 all-dimensional, multitiered and wide-rang ing opening pattern

  全方位外交 mult i-faceted dip lomacy

  权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义) crony cap italism

  全国财政收入 total government revenue

  全国防治非典指挥部 the National Headquarters on SARS Control

  全国非典疫情监测网络直报系统 the national SARS control and reporting system

  全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会 the China Council for Self-taught Higher Education Examinations

  全国公共卫生体系 national public health system

  全国人大代表 deputy to the National People's Congress

  全国人口普查 nationwide census

  全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC)

  全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presid ium

  全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee

  全国通信光缆骨干网 a key national network of communications optical cables

  全国卫生城市 National Hygienic City

  全国性大罢工 general strike (Greek labor unions were planning a general strike and a mass protest on Wednesday against the country's economic austerity measures. 希腊工会计划在周三举行一次全国性大罢工和大规模抗议活动,以反对国家推行的经济紧缩措施。)

  全国政协常委递补委员 by-elect members to the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee

  全景宽银幕电影 cinep anoramic

  权力法案 Bill of Rights

  权力下放 delegate power to the lower levels; shift of power to the grassroots

  全力以赴 all-out efforts

  全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程 forge ahead with the new great project of Party build ing

  全面建设小康社会 build a well-off society in an all-round way

  全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 complete prohibition and thorough destruction nuclear weapons

  全面开花 (figurative)open up or develop all of the varios aspects

  全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育 carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice

  全面小康社会 a well-off society in an all-round way

  全面战略伙伴关系 the comprehensive strategic partnership

  全民健身计划纲要 outline of the nationwide body-build ing plan

  全民健身运动 extensive mass fitness programs

  全能冠军 all-around winner 全盘否定 totally repudiate 全球变暖 global warming

  全球定位系统 global positioning system (GPS)

  全球多边贸易体系 global system of multilateral trade

  全球移动通信系统(全球通) global system for mobile communicat ions (GSM)

  全日工作单位 full-time job

  券商 securities trader

  权 术 trickery in politics 全体会议 plenary meeting 全天候 24-hour (service)

  全天候飞机 all-weatehr aircraft

  全天候友谊 all-weather friendship (Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Wednesday reaffirmed the two countries will maintain an all-weather friendship. 中国总理温家宝和巴基斯坦总理优素福•拉扎•吉拉尼周三重申,两国将保持“全天候”友谊。)

  拳头产品 competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster

  全托 full-time nursery

  圈外人士 people out of the loop

  全薪 full pay

  权益回报率 returns on equity (ROE) 权宜之计 half-measure ("We're doing half-measures that help the economy limp along without fully recovering, and we're having measures that help the banks survive without really thriving. I'm mostly worried that the US and the euro zone will have Japanese-type lost decade" Krugman said. 克鲁格曼说:“我们正采取权宜之计,缓解经济疲软,而不是完全复苏。我们所采取的措施可以帮助银行生存,而非真正走向繁荣。我非常担心美国和欧元区将经历日本式的‘失去的十年’。”)

  圈友 Internet social networking, exclusive circle member

  全优工程 all-round excellent project

  劝诱消费 induced consumption

  圈阅 read and circle

  权责 rights and liab ilit ies

  全资企业 exclusively-invested enterprises

  全程票价 full fare

  全国经济普查 national economic census

  全国青少年网络文明公约 National Internet Civilization Convention for Teenagers

  全球和平指数 Global Peace Index (The Economist Intelligence Unit has ranked 140 countries in the Global Peace Index of 2008, with Iceland the most peaceful country followed by Denmark, Norway, New Zealand and Japan. 英国经济学人信息社近日公布最新全球和平指数,在今年参加评比的 140 个国家中,冰岛居首,紧随其后的是挪威、新西兰和日本。)

  全 体 会 议 plenum (The 17th Communist Party of China Central Committee Sunday approved a decision on major issues concerning rural reform and development at the close of the 4-day 3rd plenum. 为期 4 天的中国共产党第十七

  届中央委员会第三次全体会议于 12 日结束,会议就农村改革与发展等主要问题达成决议。)

  权为民所用, 情为民所系, 利为民所谋 The government must function by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the well-being of the people.

  全心全意为人民服务 serve the people wholeheartedly

  区别对待,有保有压 the principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others 取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes; ban illegal earnings

  缺斤少两 give less quantity to consumers

  鹊桥会 match-making party

  确认书 confirmation note

  确立国家创新体制 form a national innovation system

  去蒋化 De-Chiang Kai-shek

  裙带风 nepotism; petticoat influence

  裙带关系 networking through petticoat influence

  裙带经济 crony economy

  群发短信 mass texting (An agreement among the country's three main mobile network operators last June stipulates that if the number of mass texting from a phone number reaches 200 within an hour or 1,000 within a day, the phone's message service will be suspended for a week. 国内三大电信运营商去年六月做出统一规定,同一手机号码一小时内群发短信数超过 200 条,一天内超过 1000 条,该号码的短信功能将被暂停一周。)

  群体无聊 group boredom (Indeed, "group boredom" turned into a catchphrase on the Internet. It reflected in a way the cyber culture in which young people kill their time in virtual world after being bored by other traditional entertainments. “群体无聊”在网上成了一个流行标语。它以某种方式反映了时下的网络文化,年轻人对传统的娱乐方式感到厌倦,进而在虚拟世界里消磨时间。)

  群言堂 allow everybody to air his view; let everyone have his say; speak one's mind freely

  群众路线 mass line

  群众体育 amateur sports

  群体性事件 mass incident (A senior leader Monday urged local government to take pro-active measures to address people's issues in case individual conflicts turn should into mass incidents. 一位高级官员 24 日督促说,地方政府应采取积极措施解决人民困难,防止个人矛盾转化为群体性事件。)

  染发剂 hair dye. (5 brands of hair dye have been found to contain the potentially cancerous toxic chemical lentine, Guangdong consumer authorities said recently.广东省消费者委员会日前通报,其对染发剂产品最新检测结果显示,5 个品牌的染发剂被检出含致癌物间苯二胺。)

  燃料循环 fuel recycle

  染色馒头 tainted steamed buns (Food safety watchdog said Sunday the workshop in Wenzhou was suspected of producing thousands of steamed buns containing illegal yellow coloring every day for the past two months. Some of the tainted steamed buns were supplied to a local school. 食品安全监察机构周日称,温州这一作坊涉嫌在过去两个月内每日制作数千个含有非法黄色染料的馒头。部分染色馒头还被供应到当地的一所学校。)

  燃油附加税 bunker surcharge

  染指 reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon

  让利 surrender part of the profits

  让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流 Give full play to all sources of social wealth“

  让权力在阳光下运行” power must be exercised in the sunshine

  燃油税 fuel oil tax

  扰乱治安 disturb public order 绕圈子 beat around the bush 热带风暴 Tropical Storm

  热岛效应 tropical island effect

  热核弹头 thermonuclear warhead 人口年龄金字塔 population pyramid 热门话题 hot issue; hot topic

  热身 warm up (prior to physical exercise or a sport competition)

  热污染 thermal pollut ion

  人才保障房 social security housing for talents (Hangzhou, capital city of East China's Zhejiang province, will provide more than 2 million square meters of social security housing for talents, including artists, entrepreneurs, even government officials, who can buy these houses for half the market price. 浙 江省省会杭州将供地 200 多万平方米,用于建设人才保障房,这些人才包括艺术家、企业家甚至政府官员,他们可以用市场价的一半的价格购买这些房子。)

  人才储备 reserve of talents 人才高地 talent highland

  人才交流 talents exchange

  人 才 库 talent bank; a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people; brain bank

  人才流动 the mobility of talents

  人才流失 brain drain

  人才培养机制 talent development scheme (Bureaucratic manner ranks second among public concerns, other unsatisfactory opinions like poor talent development scheme, poor innovative education and plagiarism showed up in the survey report. 调查报告显示,民众认为官僚作风是大学存在的第二大问题,其他对大学教育的不满意见包括人才培养机制落后、创新教育不足以及学术剽窃现象。)

  人才强国战略 the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development

  人才市场 the personnel market

  人才战 competition for talented people

  人大代表 NPC member

  人大代表 deputies to people’s congresses

  热带雨林 tropical rain forest

  人 弹 Suicide bombers (Investigators worked Saturday to identify 2 suicide bombers who attacked the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia. 印尼当局 18 日表示,前一日发生在万豪酒店和丽丝卡尔顿酒店的爆炸事件, 确认系两名恐怖分子自杀式袭击所为。)

  人道主义危机 humanitarian crisis

  人防工程 civil air-defense construction

  人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.

  人浮于事 overstaffing

  人工繁殖 artificial propagation

  人工智能 artificial intelligence(AI)

  人工智能技术 artificial intelligence technology

  认股权证 warrant

  人海战术 huge-crowd strategy

  人机交互 human-computer interaction

  人际交往 human communication

  人均住房 per-capita housing

  人均资源量 the per-capita quantity of the resources

  人口出生率 birth rate

  人口断层 population faulting

  人口贩卖 human trafficking (A man convicted of leading a human trafficking ring that sold women and children was sentenced to death Tuesday in Guizhou. 一个贩卖妇女儿童团伙的头目 16 日在贵州被判处死刑。 )


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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