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来源:考试网   2020-04-14【

  一日,悟空酒醉,在树下酣然入睡,忽然来了两个人,不由分说将悟空灵魂捆绑起来。他们连拉带扯将他带到一个城门口,只见城门上方有一牌匾,上书: “幽冥界”。悟空大惊失色问到:“幽冥界不是阎罗王住的地方吗?

  你们为何带我来此?”One day, Wukong got drunk and fell asleep under a tree. Suddenly, two persons arrived and roped his soul without saying a word. They pulled and pushed him to a gate over which there was a tablet reading “You Ming Jie” literally meaning “The Underworld”. Wukong panicked and demanded: “Isn’t this where Death5 lives? Why  bring me here?”

  那两人说:“你阳寿已尽,所以我们来取你魂魄。”悟空大怒, 掏出金箍棒,将他们打死。悟空怒气未消,抡起金箍棒直打进城里。阎罗王听说有人打进城里赶紧过来看个明白。

  They answered: “Your living days have run out so we are to fetch your soul. ” Wukong flew into a towering rage, took out his weapon, and killed them. Being still angry he waved the stick and broke into the underworld town. A山er hearing that someone has broken in, Death decided to find out what had happened.

  悟空对着阎王喊道:“我乃花果 山水帘洞的孙悟空,已修得长生不老之术,你为何还派人勾我魂魄?”

  Wukong roared at Death: “My name is Sun Wukong; I come from Water Curtain Cave, Hua Guo Shan; I have already acquired immortal magic; Why did you still send for my soul?”

  阎王忙命人取来生死簿,找到悟空名字,只见上面写道:“孙悟空,石猴,寿命三百四十岁。” 悟空心中不服,一把抓起毛笔, 将自己和许多猴子的名字涂抹掉。然后他离开地府

  Death hurriedly had the Book of Births and Deaths fetched, found his name and saw this — Sun Wukong, rock monkey, life of 340 years. Thinking this was wrong, Wukong grabbed a writing brush and crossed off the names of himself and many other monkeys and then le山.

  悟空自从强取金箍棒,乱涂生死簿之后威名远扬。但龙王和阎王对他咬牙切齿,向玉帝奏报了悟空的罪行。Since Wukong extorted his gold band stick, and messed up the Book of Births and Deaths, he had made quite a name for himself. But Dragon King and Death hated him to guts and reported his criminalities to Yu Di .

  玉帝开会商讨如何处置孙悟空, 大家意见各异,气氛热烈。此时, 太白金星启奏:“这石猴乃天地所生,有降龙伏虎的本事,捉其不易,不如召他入朝,安排官职, 以安其心。”玉帝首肯,并派太白金星完成此事。

  Yu Di called a meeting to discuss how to handle Sun Wukong. Opinions varied and the discussion was heated. Then Tai Bai Jin Xing, a popular lovable old man in Chinese mythology, proposed: “This rock monkey is related to Heaven and quite powerful. It’s not easy to catch him. We might engage him and settle him down.” Yu Di approved and sent him to do it.

  听闻玉帝欲授他官衔,悟空满心欢喜,随太白金星上了天庭。玉帝封他做“弼马温”负责管理神马。悟空兢兢业业,悉心照料马匹。半月之后,他获悉“弼马温” 乃下贱之位,怒从心起,弃岗而去,回到水帘洞。

  Hearing that Yu Di would give him a title he was pleased and followed Tai Bai Jin Xing to the heavenly court. His rank was Bi Ma Wen, a position responsible for taking care of horses. Wukong worked heart and soul. Half a month later, a山er learning that his rank was low and not respected he became angry, deserted his post and returned to Water Curtain Cave.

  悟空将遭遇讲与部下,部下皆为他不平。有人说:“大王本事与天齐,我看大王可做齐天大圣。从此悟空便自称“齐天大圣”又将写有“齐天大圣”的大旗立于洞前。悟空擅离天庭的消息不胫而走,玉帝派天兵天将来捉他, 哪吒变成三头六臂来打悟空,悟空照做,几番激战天兵败下阵来最后铩羽而归。

  Wukong shared his misery with his followers and they felt sorry for him. Someone suggested: ”“King, you are invincible. I think you deserve to be Qi Tian Da Sheng, literally As Great as Heaven.” Wukong accepted and erected a name flag in front of the cave. The news of Wukong leaving heavenly court without permission spread out and Yu Di sent an army to bring him back. Ne Zha, a popular powerful young boy in Chinese mythology, turned himself into a monster with three heads and six arms to fight Wukong but Wukong did the same. A山er several rounds of battle the army was defeated and retreated.


  Yu Di called an emergency meeting to discuss this. Tai Bai Jin Xing said: “This damn monkey wants to be Qi Tian Da Sheng, we might as well give him that empty title to avoid a war.” Yu Di agreed and summoned Sun Wukong for the second time and created him Qi Tian Da Sheng.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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