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来源:考试网   2019-04-26【


  When I was an editor, I always preferred to apologise promptly, whatever the merits of the case, rather than face the expense and, more importantly, the time-consuming complexities and debilitating worry of litigation, libel being one of the least satisfactory branches of the law. When we took a crack at Dr Bodkin Adams, believing him to be dead, and his joyful lawyer phoned me the next morning to tell me he was very much alive, I settled the matter there and then for the sum (if I remember correctly) of £450 and an apology. So my advice to editors is, get shot of claims quickly, unless the plaintiff's demands are manifestly unreasonable.

  我还是编辑的时候,无论情况如何,我总是选择立马道歉,而不是去面对诉讼过程中所发生的费用,更为重要的是,去面对费时耗神的诉讼过程中产生的复杂情况。诽谤法是法律当中最不尽人意的部分。我们曾拿鲍德金·亚当姆斯医生开涮,还以为他已经死了;莅日,他的律师喜滋滋地打电话给我,告诉我亚当姆斯医生还活得好好的,我立时以一笔450 英镑 (如果我没记错的话)的赔偿费和一句道歉的话了结此事。所以,我对编辑们的忠告是:对于赔偿要求要立马了结,除非原告的要求太离谱。

  Besides, there is something distinguished about a ready apology. It is the mark of a gentleman, more particularly if it is not necessary. It is the opposite of revenge. Bacon wrote, "In seeking revenge, a man is but equal with his enemy, but in forgiving him, he is superior, for it is a princes' part to pardon." So, the person who apologises freely has the moral ball in his court.


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