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来源:考试网   2017-11-02【


  Another cause of obscurity is that the writer is not himself quite sure of his meaning. He has a vague impression of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated It in his mind and it is natural enough that he can not find a precise expression for a confused idea. This is due largely to the fact that many writers think, not before, as they write. The pen originates the thought. The disadvantage of this-- and indeed it is a danger against which the author must be always on his guard--is that there is a sort of magic in the written word. The idea acquires substance by taking on a visible nature, and then stands in the way of its own clarification.


  晦涩的另一个原因是作者对要说的内容自己都不太清楚。他对想说的东西只有一个模糊 的印象, 可是或由于心力不济, 或由于懒得用心, 尚没有在内心把它想清楚。思想混乱, 找不到准确的表达, 那是再自然不过的了。这在很大程度上是因为, 许多作者不是想好了再写, 而是边写边想, 是笔尖触发的思想。这么做有一个很不利的因素, 而其包含的危险是作者必须时刻警惕的, 那就是: 书面文字有一种神奇的魔力。思想中的东西一旦有形可见便有了实际的存在, 这反过来又使思想本身无法得到清晰的表达。


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