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来源:考试网   2017-11-01【


  处在心灵的荒漠中, 谁都会为这无际的空虚而感到寂寞、孤独甚至恐惧。其实, 这荒漠只是视野中的“海市蜃楼”。“外面世界歌声”依旧悦耳, 花草依旧芳艳, 热情的朋友们正向你走来。只要你自己能够拨开眼前的迷雾, 仔细审视 " 视野 " 中的景象, 正视内心的细微感动, 就会发现视野中的美, 自然而然地摆脱这无援的境地。


  If you feel yourself in a desert of heart, you would certainly feel lonely and even frightened among such a vast space of emptiness. In fact, it is just a visionary mirage, common to many people. In fact, there are always pleasant melodies in the world outside, as well as pretty scenes and warm-hearted friends walking up to you. You are sure to see the beauty in your vision and get away from the helpless situation if you can see through the mist around you, study the scenes in your vision, face every little move in your heart.


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