城镇住房公积金 urban housing provident fund
承办单位 organizer
承包 contract with
成份指数 component index
成吉思汗 Genghis Khan
成名歌曲 break-out song, break-out single
承前启后,继往开来 inherit the past and forge ahead into the future
成人高考 the national higher education exams for self-taught adults
成人用品店 adult shop
成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized /technical school for adults
城市低保对象 urban residents entitled to basic living allowances
城市固定资产投资 urban fixed-asset investment
城市规划 city's landscaping plan; urban planning
城 市 和 国 有 企 业 厂办 大 集 体 collectively owned factories operated by state-owned enterprises and cities
城市户口 permanent urban residence certificate
城市流浪乞讨人员 urban vagrants and beggars
城乡结合部 rural-urban fringe zone
城乡信用社 credit cooperatives in both urban and rural areas
承销商 underwriter
诚信企业 high-integrity enterprise; enterprise of integrity
成组技术 group technology
车牌号 license plate number
车险 auto insurance
吃 饱 穿 暖 eat their fill and dress warmly; have enough to eat and wear; have adequa te food and clothing
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师