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来源:考试网   2017-07-31【

  Write 40-50 words.


  · You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.

  · Write a note to Mr Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager:

  · enquiring about the reason for the delay

  · stating when the components are needed

  · suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.

  · Write 40-50 words.参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:【写作思路】



  I am writing to enquire about the reason for the late delivery of the component I ordered,need by next Monday.In order to which are,I suggest that we have a meeting to discuss future deliveries.

  Write 120-140 words.


  Your company requires a taxi firm that could use on a regular basis for staff and clients. Your secretary has selected two advertisements from the local newspaper.

  · Look at the advertisements below, on which you have already made some handwrittennotes.

  · Then, using all your notes. Write a proposal for your line manager, saying which firm you think your company should use.

  · Write 120-140 words.

  参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:【写作思路】



  TELECARS公司的特点在于第1、2和3,STREETLIGHT CABS公司的却有着没有参考记录、没有网络定车服务、不方便等缺点。形式方面,商务建议书与商务报告大体一致,但差别在于前者用建议(Recommendation)代替了后者的结论(Conclusion)。



  The purpose of this report is to assess and recommend a taxi firm that will become our transporter.We will need them especially during next year’s trade fair and conferences.There are two firms to assess.


  We have found good references regarding Tele-cars. Besides having a long-running tradition of being very reliable, they also provide 24-hour service which will be very useful for meetings and negotiations held at night.

  Streetlight Cabs, however, is a brand new company without references. They do provide cheap prices for long distance routes we often use, but as they do not have a web page, internet booking is not possible.


  I recommend choosing Telecars because of their long tradition of reliability and well trained staff.

  You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.




  Order Ticket

  8:30 a.m.10th July b.Golden

  Information of Customer:

  Name: Golden from rNA Industries

  Address: (1)________London Street

  Contact N0.: (2) ________

  Information of Computers:

  Type:876 models(3) ________cache on hard drive

  Quantity: (4) ________.

  Delivery Date:Tuesday morning 23 rd July

  第(1)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:N0.34。原文中问“Where is your company located?”回答可知N0.34 London Street,near the barbershop.



  F1:May I speak to Mr.L.J.,please?

  M1:This is he.

  F1:Good morning.Mr.David.nliS iS Golden from INA Industries.Our company is going to buy four 876 model computers.

  M1:WiU tllat be l6MB hard drive models or 32MB optional on base models?

  F1:Have you got any suggestions?

  M1:The kind of l6MB on hard drive models is suitable for general use.And the 32MB optional on base models is available upon request.It’s a bit more expensive.

  F1:I tllink l will buy the former。16MB card on hard drive model.

  M1:OkWhen do you want them?We have this computer in stock.

  F1:That’S fine.I hope the computers will arrive on Tuesday morning.

  M1:Tuesday morning.Where is your company located?

  F1 : NO. 34 London Street, near the barbershop.

  M1 : And your telephone number?

  F1:66886598. Thank you.

  M1 : Thank you for your order.

  Conversation Two

  F1 : Hello. Springfield Health Centre. Can I help you?

  M1:Yes. I'd like to speak to Dr. Smithman's receptionist, please.

  F1 : Yes.

  M1:This is Green Parker. I have been having some headache recently.

  F1 : Well, Mr. Parker. What can I do for you?

  M1:I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.

  F1 : Yes. Would Friday morning suit you?

  M1 : Friday is the 12th of June. Ok. At what time?

  F1 : Is 10:30 ok for you?

  M1 : Yes, that's fine.

  F1 : What's your name again please?

  M1 : Green Parker. G-R-E-E-N P-A-R-K-E-R.

  F1 : Thank you. Dr. Smithman will see you at 10:30 on Friday.

  Conversation Three

  F1: Good evening, this is David's Bicycle Rental.

  M1 : Good evening, miss. A friend of mine suggested I call you to hire some sports bikes.

  F1 : Oh, yes. A lot of people do this these days.

  M1 : Yes, we're just on vacation here for a few days and they said it would be a good idea to see the island on bicycle.

  F1 : Well it certainly is. And most people rent a motor bike because you can get around faster and even go to the beach if you like.

  M1:If I wanted to hire 4 motor bikes tomorrow morning for 3 days, would there be any problem?

  F1 : No problem at all. May I know your name?

  M1 : It's Gold, G-O-L-D.

  F1 : And your telephone number is... ?

  M1:I'm at the Holiday Red Hotel. My number is 837845. I'm in Room 290. By the way, is your bike rental shop at No. 100 Beckman Street?

  F1 : That's right.

  M1:OK, then, I'll see you tomorrow morning.Thanks a lot.

  F1 : I'll see you then.


  第(2)题填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:66886598。原文中问“And your telephone number is?”回答为:“66886598.Thank you.”


  第(3)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:16MB。从原文“I think l will buy the former,16MB hard drive model.”中可知。


  第(4)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:4。从原文“Our company is going tO buy four 876 model computers.”中可知。


  Reservation Card

  TO: br.Smith From:Linda

  Date: 10th June Time:9:30 a.m

  Information of Patients

  Name: Green(5)_________

  Symptom: something wrong with the(6) _________

  Date of Meetin9:12th,(7) _________

  Time for Meetin9:(8) _________

  第(5)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:Parker。原文中问“what’S your name again please?”回答为:“Green Parker.G·R·E—E—N,P—A。R.K—E—R.”


  第(6)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:Head。从原文中“I have been having some headache recently.”可知。意为:我目前有点头痛。从而可知病人的头部出现不适。


  第(7)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:June。原文中问“Would Friday morning suit you?”回答为:“Friday is the l2th of June.”


  第(8)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:10:30 a.m.。材料中问“Is l0:30 Ok for you?”回答为:“Yes,that’S fine.”可知同意l0:30这个时间。


  Bicycle Renting Registration

  Date:8th April。

  Time: 12:30

  Bicycle Type: (9)________.Bikes

  N0.of Bicycles:4

  Period of Hirin9: (10) ________days

  Hirer’S Name: (11) ________

  Contact N0:837845-ex.Room(12) ________

  第(9)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:Motorized。从原文中顾客回答:“If l wanted to hire 4 motor bikes tomorrow morning for 3 days,would there be any problem?”可知选择的是带马达的自行车。


  第(10)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:3。从原文:“If l wanted tO hire 4 motor bikes tomorrow morning for 3 days,would there be any problem?”可知顾客想租为期三天的自行车。


  第(11)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:Gold。原文中提问:“May I know your name?”回答为:“It’S Gold,G—O—L—D.”


  第(12)题:填写我的答案 参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:290。从文中290“My number is 837845.I’m in Room 290.”可知。

  You will hea five short recordings.


  (Questions 13-17)

  ·You will hear five short pieces.

  ·For each piece decide where the speaker is.

  ·Write one letter(A-H)next to the number Of the piece.

  ·You will hear the five pieces twice.






  第(13)题A. hospice

  B. supermarket

  C. bookstore

  D. theatre

  E. dining hall

  F. furniture shop

  G. driving school

  H. school

  参考答案:B 系统解析:从原文“We’re out of breakfast cereal.I think coin flakes are on sale.”可知早餐麦片也没有了,玉米片也在打折出售,从而可知要去超市。


  Section One

  Question Thirteen

  We need milk, eggs, butter, coffee, vegetables,fruit, bread, cheese, and some snacks. We want some pickles, oh, and we're out of flour. Put that on the list, too. We're out of breakfast cereal too. I think corn flakes are on sale.

  Question Fourteen

  I heard that nearly 2000 students have signed a petition showing our dissafisfacton with the food, price and service. Many hands make light work. I think this could force them to improve a little.

  Question Fifteen

  The performance is wonderful. They dance very well and the music is so pleasant. And the lighting and sound effects are first-class. Thank you for bringing me here to watch the performance. Next time I'll take you to watch acrobatics.

  Question Sixteen

  It's nice, but it doesn't match the color of my room. This type of coffee table gets dirty very easily and it's difficult to clean. Look, this one matches my room and it's inexpensive.

  Question Seventeen

  My office is quite far from my house. So it takes me more than an hour to get to work. And I want to buy a car but I haven't an international driver's license. I need enroll in driving school and then take a road test.


  第(14)题A. hospice

  B. supermarket

  C. bookstore

  D. theatre

  E. dining halI

  F. furniture shop

  G. driving school

  H. school

  参考答案:E 系统解析:E。文中“I heard that nearly 2000 students have signed a petition showing our dissatisfaction with the food,price and service.”意为:“我听说有将近两千个学生在请愿书上签名了,表达我们对食物、价格和服务的不满。”可知谈论的地点是学校食堂。


  第(15)题A. hospice

  B. supermarket

  C. bookstore

  D. theatre

  E. dining halI

  F. furniture shop

  G. driving school

  H. school

  参考答案:D 系统解析:从文中“They dance very well and the music is SO pleasant.the lighting and sound effects are first—class.”可知舞跳得好,音乐也很好听。舞台灯光和音响效果都是一流的。从而可知谈论的地点是歌剧院。


  第(16)题A. hospice

  B. supermarket

  C. bookstore

  D. theatre

  E. dining halI

  F. furniture shop

  G. driving school

  H. school

  参考答案:F 系统解析:从文中“it’S nice.but it doesn’t match the color of my room.This type of coffee table gets dirty very easily and it’S dimcult to clean.”可知好是好,就是和我房间的颜色不搭配这种咖啡桌很容易弄脏还不好擦。”从而可知谈论的地点是家具店。


  第(17)题A. hospice

  B. supermarket

  C. bookstore

  D. theatre

  E. dining halI

  F. furniture shop

  G. driving school

  H. school

  参考答案:G 系统解析:从文中“I need enroll in driving school and then take a road test.”可知我需要进驾校然后通过路考。”从而可知谈论的是驾校。


  (Questions 18-22)

  ·You will hear another five short pieces.

  ·For each piece decide who iS talking.

  ·Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the piece.

  ·You wilI hear the five pieces twice.






  第(18)题A. a doctor

  B. an editors

  C. a teacher

  D. a salesman

  E. a Iawyer

  F. an engineer

  G. a judge

  H. a guide

  参考答案:B 系统解析:根据这句话:“I think Beijing Pop Music Festival is the best.We will begin drafting a plan fight away.”意为:“我认为北京流行音乐节比较好所以我们马上就做这个策划。”可知为编辑。


  Question Eighteen

  We have chosen three topics for a special report.Teachers' Day, the Davis Forum and Beijing Pop Music Festival. 1 think Beijing Pop Music Festival is the best. We will begin drafting a plan right away.

  Question Nineteen

  We do have one. Please give me your passport,Chinese driver's license, the guarantor's hnkou and an ID card. 1200rmb per day with a 3000rmb deposit. This is the rental contract. If you don't have any other questions, please sign here.

  Question Twenty

  For a case like this, we'll arrange for a lawyer to go visit your neighbor with you. We'll contact the police.If they find enough evidence,they’11 force your neighbors to comply.You can have some peaceful nights in the future.

  Question Twenty-one

  Mr.Johnson,as a lawyer,your description about this case sounds reasonable;however,we need to consider your idea for a moment,SO I have to claim for a adjournment.

  Question Twenty-two

  Hell0,everyone.Now we are in the Palace Museum.I will introduce its history.Its construction began in l406 and was made the center of rule during the Ming Dynasty and served a total of 24 emperors during both the Ming and Qing dynasties.


  第(19)题A. a doctor

  B. an editors

  C. a teacher

  D. a salesman

  E. a Iawyer

  F. an engineer

  G. a judge

  H. a guide

  参考答案:D 系统解析:原文:“1200rmb per day with a 3000rmb deposit.This is the rental contract.If you don’t have any other questions,please sign here.”意为:“一千二一天,还有三千块押金。这是租车合同,如果您没有什么问题,请在这儿签字。”可知对方为售车人员。


  第(20)题A. a doctor

  B. an editors

  C. a teacher

  D. a salesman

  E. a Iawyer

  F. an engineer

  G. a judge

  H. a guide

  参考答案:E 系统解析:原文:“For a case like this.we’ll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you.”意为:“对于这种案子,我们通常会安排个律师去跟您的邻居交涉。”可知对方为律师。


  第(21)题A. a doctor

  B. an editors

  C. a teacher

  D. a salesman

  E. a Iawyer

  F. an engineer

  G. a judge

  H. a guide

  参考答案:G 系统解析:从原文I have tO claim for a adjournment.中可知此人宣布休庭,则他的身份应该是法官。


  第(22)题A. a doctor

  B. an editors

  C. a teacher

  D. a salesman

  E. a Iawyer

  F. an engineer

  G. a judge

  H. a guide

  参考答案:H 系统解析:由原文“Now we are in the Palace Muse- um.I will introduce its history.”可知说话者在介绍故宫博物院,所以应选导游。

  For each question(23-30),mark one letter(A,BorC)for the correct answer.

  Some information the company has to furnish in the document are as follows except forA. a short introduction Of the factory.

  B. the company name and address.

  C. who invest the company.

  参考答案:C 系统解析:从听力内容可知,在公司的申请书上的内容包括工厂简介、建厂原因、员工人数、职位、业务范围、工厂名字、经营时间和地址,而题目中需要选择没有提到的选项,其中C (谁投资了工厂)符合题意。


  The company should submit the applicationA. either in the name of the firm or an individual person.

  B. in the name Of the firm.

  C. in the name of the individual.

  参考答案:C 系统解析:当女士问道是以公司的名义还是个人名义签署申请时男士回答:“This document is supposed to be signed by your company manager,or your president,whatever his or her business title is.”意为:“公司的经理或者裁都可以签署”,可知是个人签署这项申请,故选C。


  The document signed by the manager will be theA. business permit Of the company.

  B. application of the company.

  C. introduction Of the company.

  参考答案:A 系统解析:题目问经理签署的文件的性质,从文中女士问到的“That’s the business license,isn’t it?”和男士的肯定回答说明这份文件属于营业执照,就是公司所从事的业务的法律许可,与A选项的表述符合,故选A。


  The company has to hand a statement written by the banksA. regarding the credit and financial status of the company·

  B. regarding the credit card and financial status of the country-

  C. regarding the letter of credit and financial status of the country

  参考答案:A 系统解析:从“You’re requested to give US a statement written by your banks regarding the credit and financial status of your company.”一句得知公司所递交的声明是关于公司的信用和经济状况的,与A选项的表述符合,B选项中credit card是信用卡,C选项中letter of credit是信用证,不符合题意,故选A。


  The letter of attorney shall be signed byA. only the manager。

  B. company of Board.

  C. each reDresentatues.

  参考答案:A 系统解析:题目问的是由谁来签署代理人的文件,男士说到:“Your manager himself is to work as the chief representative of the company.”其中himself与选项A中的0nly符合,故选A。


  Regarding the form: A. it must be filled out in two copies for each person.

  B. it should be filled in two copies for each person.

  C. it should be filled out in two copies by each person.

  参考答案:A 系统解析:原文“this form must also be filled out in two copies for each person.”一句与选项A表述相同,故选A。


  The woman will probably come a few days laterA. to get specified explanation.

  B. to ask the man more questions.

  C. to hand the man all the paperwork.

  参考答案:C 系统解析:文中女士说:“perhaps we’ll come over in a couple of days to submit to you all the paperwork.”表明女士几天后将会递交相关的文件,其中submit与选项C中的hand都是 “上交”之意,故选C。

  In this part,the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.


  In this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn.

  You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.


  (1) Have you ever changed your name?

  (2) What are the hobbies you pursue with your spare time?

  (3) What's the most important skill nowadays?参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:(1)NO,never.Because my name was given to me by my parents. And I think this name conveys all their hope, so I'll never change it.

  (2) Well, these days, I surf on the internet in my spare time.I have just bought my first computer,and love to look for exciting web sites that I have not known before.

  (3)In the age of hi—tech info,I think the most important skill is IT.If someone has a great skill in IT nowadays I think it is very easy for him to find a job with a high salary.



  In this part of the test,you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic.


  In part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute.You have one minute to prepare, your ideas.

  A: What is important when...?

  Improving the staff's performance

  · Training

  · Transfer

  B: What is important when...?

  Choosing a new career

  · Location

  · Salary

  C: What is important when... ?

  Selecting a business magazine to read

  · Cost

  · Content

  参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:【分析思路点拨】



  I choose topic A—what is important when improve the staff performance.As for this topic,I have the following ideas:

  Firstly,regular training is indispensable measurement to improve the staff performance.When the staffs participate in the trainin9,their professional knowledge and ability will be both improved.S0,they can handle the skills needed for effective performance.Certainly,their performance will be better than before.

  Secondly.if one employee has a poor performance in working,maybe he or she is not suitable for this job.You can transfer him or her to another position.

  That may be useful.Transfer can help to make full use of all employee’s strengths,while avoiding weaknesses,In one word,transfer Can give an employee a chance to become a more effective member of the organization.

  Thirdly, motivating the employees is an important idea.Because well—motivated employees guarantee effective performance.The staff will have more inner power to express themselves by doing better job or doing extra task and SO on. And consequently,their performance will become better.

  All in all,trainin9,transfer and motivating are all very important when improving the staff performance.

  I choose topic B--what is important when choosing a new career chance. With regard to this topic, I have the following views:

  First of all, salary is the basic element for a new career. To find a good job, we should first earn our own living. And the salary can afford us the daily expanses and some other necessary cost. So the good salary can attract most of the job hunters.

  Second, location is another important element that we should take into consideration. You had better choose a job near your home, so that it is convenient for your activities. If so, it can save you lots of time,money and energy.

  Finally, future development is an indispensable point. We should prefer a company where we can improve or enrich ourselves and we can show our ability. Maybe more challenge can lay a stable foundation for the future's better development.

  In a word, salary, location and future development are all important elements when selecting a new career chance.

  I choose topic C--what is important when selecting a business magazine. Regard with this topic,in my opinion, here are three factors I will make a discussion.

  To begin with, content is a main factor for selection. So what you are interested determines which kind of business magazine you will choose. So the first step of your selection is to locate your content.

  Besides, cost is another important factor. Is this, magazine is good enough for its price? If so, yore selection is half successful. And when you compare two similar content magazines, the cost is a better reference.

  Then, design can be interesting factor to think about. As a reader, we can be attracted by some magazines with beautiful design. Their covers and pages are all very charming, also the vivid pictures. I will be of significance for our better understanding and high emotions.

  In all, content, cost and design are all important when selecting a business magazine.

  In this part of the test,you are given a discussion topic.


  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 minutes to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.

  For two candidates

  Improving Company Culture

  The company you work for is now re-assessing its existing corporate culture to improve its performance.

  You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project.

  Discuss the situation together and decide:

  · what weaknesses can be identified in the company culture

  · what effective solutions should be used to improve the core values.

  For three candidates

  Company Culture

  The company you work for is now re-assessing its existing corporate culture to improve its performance.

  You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project.

  Discuss the situation together and decide:

  · what weaknesses can be identified in the company culture

  · what effective solutions should be used to improve the core values

  · which aspects should be retained and encouraged.

  Follow-on questions

  ·What do you think are the key values in a company culture?

  ·In what ways do you think organizational culture can be conveyed?

  ·How does a company’s culture affect its employees?

  ·Should companies always employ people with relevant work experience?(Why/ Why not?)

  ·Is it important for companies to provide onsite perks such as break rooms,gyms,elc.for their employees?(Why?/Why not?)参考答案:请参考解析 系统解析:【参考答案】

  A:In my understanding.corporate culture is virtually the personality of an organization, as it determines how things are done around here. I mean, all our decisions are guided by our corporate values. But the problem is that there are still a lot of weaknesses in our culture.

  B: So instead of leaving it to grow on its own, we should make efforts to reshape our culture, to nurture it into a strong one.

  A: Yes. Now let's make a list of the noticeable weaknesses in our company culture: firstly in terms of our staff behavior, most employees are not quite spontaneous in communicating their thoughts and ideas with each other, particularly with line managers. This is a great barrier in promoting a culture which values innovation, creativity and trust among each other.

  B: Secondly, most staff members feel that their good performance has not been duly recognized. This is most unfavorable to our commitment to creating an environment that breeds loyalty and motivation. This is a very serious problem, do you agree?

  A: Yes. I'm quite agree with you here. Another problem is that staff members do not have many chances to get promoted, since many of our line managers are recruited from outside the company.

  B: And there's another area that needs improvement:our employees complain that they're not getting enough job-related skills development training.

  A: So to energize our corporate culture, we have to provide some practical solutions to these problems. So we need to provide more channels of communication among and between management and staff, do you think so?

  B: Yes, we can provide training programmers,outdoor events, in-company seminars, etc. , so as to increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills in colleagues. And in turn,this will enhance team spirit and open communication. We should also readjust and reward the commitments and talents of our employees. For example, we can offer additional benefits to excellent performers, like a paid holiday or retail vouchers.

  A: Good. So let's put these down. We also need to reconsider our promotion policy and make it an incentive for our staff. We used to open up the competition among staff and make it an incentive for staff. We used to open up the competition for a position for external candidates, which reduces chances of promotion for existing workers. So our employees feel that there is little opportunity for internal career advancement.

  B: Yes. A fair system of internal promotion should be set up to make each individual feel included and appreciated. This environment will enable our employees to contribute to their full potential.

  A: Good. I think these solutions should be effective to the improvement of our core values.

  Follow-on questions

  ~ I think the essence of a company culture should include: teamwork, mutual respect, commitment and integrity. These core values will help to create a healthy work environment and attract more talented people. In turn, it will keep us one step ahead in the competition.

  ~ In my eyes, corporate culture includes such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. Besides, it can also be expressed in the company's architectural style,interior décor of offices and by what people wear to work, by how people address each other, etc..

  ~ It can affect their employees in many different ways: the way employees interact with each other,the training and skills development they receive,their chances of career advancement, the environment they work in, the benefits and facilities they get, etc.

  ~ Yes. I think it's important for companies to employ people with skills because they will be able to take over the workload the moment they become a part of the company. You don't have to spend too much money training them.

  ~ Yes. I think onsite perks, such as coffee rooms,gyms and play room, daycare facilities, etc. are very important. You see, they show that themanagement really cares for people and environment. These are important incentives to boost the staff morale.



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