

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2018下半年商务英语中级金融词汇(11)


来源:考试网   2018-06-20【



  三角债 chain debts;inter-enterprise arrears

  善政廉政 good governance

  商业贷款 commercial loans

  上市公司 (publicly)listed corporations

  设备利用 capacity utilization

  社会保障 social safety net;social security(insurance)

  深层次矛盾 deep-rooted structural imbalance

  审批金融机构 to license financial institutions

  审慎监管 prudential supervision

  生产能力闲置 unutilized capacity

  生息资产 interest-bearing assets

  实际利用外资 disbursement of foreign capital;actual inflow of foreign investment

  实际有效汇率 real effective exchange rate

  实时 real time

  实收资本 paid-in capital

  实现利润 realized profit

  市场分割 market segmentation

  市场经济 market economy

  市场占有率(市场份额) market share

  市场准入 market access(指商品和劳务的进入);market entry(指机构的审批)

  市价总值 market capitalization

  适度从紧 appropriately tight

  适时调节 timely adjustment

  收回对金融机构贷款 to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)

  税后还贷 amortization(repayment of loans)after tax

  税收流失 tax erosion

  税源不足 weak tax base

  私营经济(私人经济) the private sector

  私有制 private ownership

  所有者权益 owner's equity

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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