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来源:考试网   2015-07-09【



  Good morning.

  Good morning, John. (早晨好,约翰。)

  Good morning, mom. (早晨好,妈妈。)


  Did the alarm clock go off? *go off是闹钟“响”的意思。

  Did the alarm clock buzz?

  Did the alarm clock ring?


  It's time to get up!

  It's time to get up! (该起床了!)

  I don't wanna get up. (我真不想起。)

  It's time to wake up!

  It's time to get out of bed.


  A: Well, you see, our company is going to attenda trade fair in the US.

  B: Yeah, sounds exciting. Since we've neverdone that before, we need to have good advancepreparations for the trip.

  A: You're right. The first thing to do is of courseto make travel and accommodation arrangements,such as choosing an airline offering good servicesand the flight of the right time so that we canarrange things well and in an effective way.

  B: This can be done by making several phone calls. And we have to make advancereservation with a local hotel so that the people for the trade fair can have a place to stayimmediately after they arrive in the country.

  A: With early booking, we may even enjoy some discounts. And it's better to choose ahotel near the trade fair. That can save the time traveling there.

  B: Or we can arrange beforehand to hire a car from a local car rental company.

  A: In addition, it would be useful to know about some business customs in the US,including commonly accepted business practices, ways of doing business, and laws andregulations, etc.

  B: Yeah, especially those different from ours. Say, different ideas about punctuality. I heardthat in the United States, people tend to be very time-conscious. Being late would beconsidered poor etiquette.

  A: Also in China, business transactions are often concluded by treating business partnersto lavish dinners and giving them expensive gifts, I'm afraid they seldom do it this way in theWest or in the US.

  B: I was told that in Western countries, people attach much importance to formalagreement and contracts with detailed terms and conditions. They never feel comfortable withverbal agreements. In China, however, business is often concluded simply by verbalagreement.

  A: We should also learn about business customs such as the different systems ofmeasurement. For instance, we use the day/month/year system for dating while the US usemonth/day/year system. And there are many other differences including topics acceptable inconversation.

  B: Also, Chinese businessmen tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirectmanner, while American businessmen have a more direct style. Our people should be made tounderstand all these differences.

  A: But how to find out about all this?

  B: I think there are many ways to find out about these before the trip, say, we can go tothe Internet, read some reference books or get tips from experienced colleagues and clients.

  A: They could be effective ways. Let's do them.

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