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来源:考试网   2014-11-06【


  1. 前面有一个背景,具体忘了

  Q:How to select employee for promoting?

  How to prepare staff for manage position?

  2. The clothing retailer you work for is considering whether to sell their product by mail

  Q: What advantage for the company would be ?

  What company need to consider before setting up?

  3. 公司expanding,但空间不够,怎么办?

  Q:How space could be save at the existing office?

  What advantage and disadvantage could be of moving to new office?

  4. 公司同意一些员工在家工作,取代到公司来上班

  Q: why staff might prefer working in this way?

  What the advantage for the company might be?

  5. Your company want to reduce business trip aboard

  Q: How the total number of business trips might be reduced?

  How the cost of some trips might be reduced?

  6. The retail company is planning to open a new branch

  Q: What the company should consider when choosing a site?

  Where it would be best to advertise the opening of the new store?

  7. Your company allow a group of students to visit your company , you are asked to prepare one-day visit

  Q: What types of activities would be most suitable?

  What types of staff the students should be (be后面没有记录到)

  8. You work for a group of sport and leisure clubs which opened two years ago. The business is growing more slowly than expected

  Q: what the reasons for the slow growth might be?

  How the clubs might be marketed?

  9. You company is planning to introduce an internal magazine to keep staff

  informed of company developments

  Q: What type of information to include I the magazine?

  Which types of staff should contribute to the magazine?

  10. Your company is organizing a conference for the sales mangers working in its office around the world

  Q: What information you will need to send the sales manager before the conference?

  What activities you could organize to help people to get know each other better?

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